问题 单项选择题

Weak dollar or no, $ 46,000-the price for a single year of undergraduate instruction amid the red brick of Harvard Yard-is (1) But nowadays cost is (2) barrier to entry at many of America’s best universities. Formidable financial-assistance policies have (3) fees or slashed them deeply for needy students. And last month Harvard announced a new plan designed to (4) the sticker-shock for undergraduates from middle and even upper-income families too.

Since then, other rich American universities have unveiled (5) initiatives. Yale, Harvard’s bitterest (6) , revealed its plans on January 14th. Students whose families make (7) than $60,000 a year will pay nothing at all. Families earning up to $ 200,000 a year will have to pay an average of 10% of their incomes. The university will (8) its financial- assistance budget by 43%, to over $ 80m.

Harvard will have a similar arrangement for families making up to $180,000. That makes the price of going to Harvard or Yale (9) to attending a state-run university for middle-and upper-income students. The universities will also not require any student to take out (10) to pay for their (11) , a policy introduced by Princeton in 2001 and by the University of Pennsylvania just after Harvard’s (12) . No applicant who gains admission, officials say, should feel (13) to go elsewhere because he or she can’t afford the fees.

None of that is quite as altruistic as it sounds. Harvard and Yale are, after all, now likely to lure more students away from previously (14) options, particularly state-run universities, (15) their already impressive admissions figures and reputations.

The schemes also provide a (16) for structuring university fees in which high prices for rich students help offset modest prices for poorer ones and families are less (17) on federal grants and government-backed loans.

Less wealthy private colleges whose fees are high will not be able to (18) Harvard or Yale easily. But America’s state-run universities, which have traditionally kept their fees low and stable, might well try a differentiated (19) scheme as they raise cash to compete academically with their private (20) . Indeed, the University of California system has already started to implement a sliding-fee scale.









根据后面的by 43%判断,expand和increase比较合适,enhance和elevate都不能在后面加上具体的百分比。而increase后面的宾语更多的是具体的数值,而不是仅仅一个budget,故expand最为合适。


利用机会就是乘时;机会稍纵即逝,所以_______而_______以外,还该_______而_______.治生或者说致富的过程,在那时有三个阶段:第一,“无财作力”,以劳力赚钱.稍有积蓄,便是第二,“少有斗智”,因为资本大小,一方面亏蚀不起,一方面要争取暴利,不得不费尽心机,想出许多“花招”来取胜,于是第三:“既饶争时”,默察时势环境的变化,掌握机会,大量进货、抛售,或作远程的投资.这个过程与目前的情况,几乎完全吻合;所谓“少有斗智”,正就是中小企业经营之所以特感吃力之故.一旦有了数千万的资本,就不必再去冒险投资,只要挑有益于国计民生的企业投资,必有盈利,成为“不窥市井,不行异邑,坐而待收,身有处士之义"的现代"封君”.但是,这样舒服的做法是不大可能成为巨富的.要成巨富,还须“争时”,放远眼光,走在别人前面;当然,仅有眼光是不够的,作为一个第一流的货殖家,要像刁间那样具备“智" “勇”、“仁”、“强”四种品德.这是白圭的理论,而为刁间所充分实践.白圭是洛阳人,生在战国初期,周戚烈王的那个时代;其时有个有名的经济学家,名叫李悝,帮助魏文侯从事经济革新,获得极大的成功.李悝是个重农主义者,所以他的经济学说偏重在农业方面的改革,概括而言,可得八个字:增加生产、调节盈虚. (选自高阳《假官真做清官册》,《高阳作品集》,上海三联书店,2003)





