One of the most widely used routing protocols in IP networks is the Routing Information Protocol (RIP). RIP is the canonical example of a routing protocol built on the (71) algorithm. Routingprotocols in internetworks differ slightly from the idealized graph model. In an internetwork, the goal ofthe routers to forward (72) to various networks.
Routers running RIP send their advertisement abOLit cost every (73) seconds. A router also sends an up date message whenever an update from another router causes it to change its routing table.
Routing protocols use different techniques for assigning (74) to individual networks. Further, each routing protocol forms a metric aggregation in a different way. RIP takes the simplestapproach, with all link costs being equal (75) . Thus it always tries to find the minimum hop route. Valid distances are 1 through 15. This also limits RIP to running on fairly small networks.
D.length of the link
解析: 路由信息协议(RIP)是IP网络中使用广泛的路由协议之一。RIP是一个基于距离向量(distance vector)路由算法的路由协议。网络中的路由协议与理想的图算法存在少量的差异。在互联网中,路由器的目的是将数据包转发给不同的网络(networks)。