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Blair Admits Never Having Sent Flowers to His Wife

British Prime Minister Tony Blair admitted on a television programme that he has never sent flowers to his wife Cherie and that he had a youthful crush on Hollywood beauty Grace Kelly.
Blair, who allowed Channel 4 interviewer June Sarpong to shadow him for two days last month, made other personal (1) when asked questions he rarely hears on the usual television political (2) .
During the interviews for a program targeting 18-30 year (3) , the prime minister admitted he sometimes has to "wing it" when (4) public appearances and that he yearns to go out for a drink (5) being recognised.
However, the most dramatic revelation was his reply to Sarpong’s (6) on whether he still sends his wife flowers, prompting his interviewer to (7) in disbelief. "I’ve never sent her flowers. If I sent her flowers, she would (8) worried," Blair said.
But he added: "I am romantic. There are other ways of (9) romantic."
Blair needed a few moments to recall which posters he had (10) his bedroom wall as a youngster, then revealed: "I’ll tell you... actually, (11) I was younger, I loved Grace Kelly."
Born in 1929, Kelly (12) in films like ’Dial M For Murder’, ’Rear Window’ and ’High Society’ in the mid-1950s, but (13) acting to marry Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1956, when Blair was (14) two years old.
Blair admitted he initially found it "odd" to be (15) minister and to be rushed in motorcades from appointment to (16) , and worried that his lifesty left him "a bit isolated" from (17) people.
He admitted that he was constantly on the phone between public (18) , and rarely had time to prepare for his next (19) , telling Sarpong: "I wing it all the time."
And he revealed he has to check himself before he replies to (20) questions from the public. "The worst thing is when someone is giving you a real earful and you think ’I’m going to say something I will regret’," he said.
Asked what he would do if he could be invisible for a day, Blair yearned for a more ordinary life, saying he would "just walk down the street and go to the pub... just be absolutely normal".




杜某,H市某钢铁公司干部。沈某,原系M杂志社记者。2002年6月,杜某因调动工作,向沈某借款1万元,约定工作调动成功后半年内还清,但杜某在调任H市某钢铁公司半年后一直未还。2003年6月,沈某亲自登门索要,杜某说目前经济困难不能归还。于是,沈某提出若杜某利用其关系批给他一批钢材,就可不再偿还这笔钱,但杜某未答应沈某的要求。沈某恼羞成怒,遂撰写了《“疯女”之谜》(以下简称“谜”文)刊载在杂志上。“谜”文以“仅将调查经过公布于众”的口吻披露:杜某为达到从W市调往H市的目的,采取毒打等手段,逼其妻王某装疯,两次将王某送进精神病院。杜某调往H市后,因私生活露出马脚,害怕妻子揭发,又将其妻第三次送进精神病院,致使王某戴着“疯女”帽子生活了近20年。“谜”文呼吁,让王某这样曲当事人从不解之谜中解放出来,让那些该受法律制裁的人不再逍遥法外。“谜”文发表后,读者纷纷投书,要求给予杜某法律制裁,致使杜某的人格、名誉遭受严重损害,并且引发心脏病而住院,无法正常工作,经济上遭受了一定损失。 2004年6月,杜某委托其女杜红(15岁)向H市某区公安局报案,要求追究沈某的诽谤罪责任。该公安局以属于民事纠纷为由拒绝立案。杜红又向某区检察院要求予以解决。该检察院向该公安局发出应予立案的通知,该公安局审查后认为不符合立案条件,该检察院遂根据杜红提供的材料予以立案,并进行了相应的侦查活动,但审查起诉的人员认为沈某无犯罪前科,就作出不起诉决定。于是,杜某又委托杜红为诉讼代理人向某区法院提起自诉,要求追究沈某的刑事责任,并支付医药费及精神损失费5万元。该法院受理后适用简易程序进行审查。审查过程中,被告人沈某提起反诉,要求杜某偿还1万元欠款,法院接受沈某的请求一并审理。审理过程中,审判人员提出为双方进行调解,但遭到杜某的拒绝。经审理后,法院判决,被告沈某犯诽谤罪,判处剥夺政治权利1年6个月,给付自诉人医药费及误工费2.5万元,精神损失费4000元,对沈某的反诉请求因缺乏证据不予支持。 一审判决后,被告人不服,向H市中级人民法院提出上诉,该法院审查后认为,沈某故意捏造和散布虚构事实,损害了杜某的人格和名誉,且情节严重,其行为已构成诽谤罪,依法判处沈某剥夺政治权利2年,并处罚金2000元。 请问:

