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材料一:“走进中央垒会”是当代中国社会一个突出的政治现象。十七届五中奎会的一个重要议题是要解决我国文化领域积累的深层矛盾。中 * * 洞察世界经济发展太势,全面规剐文化产业格局}大力发展文化公益事业,积极推进文化领域公共服务均等化;在与各民主党派平等协商的基础上,提出文化体制改革的建议,并提交十一届人太讨论,使之成为我国新时期文化建设的纲领性文件。此举充分反映了新的历史条件下中 * * 党执政方式的新理念。


结合材料一,说明此次文化体制改革如何体现中 * * 党执政方式的新理念。







The beet (甜菜) is a tasty root vegetable that does not require much work to grow. People think of beets as being always dark red,but they can also be pink,yellow or white. Beets are high in nutrients,and both the root and the tops can be eaten. The leaves make good salads when the plants are young,and the greens can be cooked when the plants are older. Beets grow best in full sun and in loose soil that is not too wet.

Remove stones from the soil while preparing the ground,and test it before adding fertilizer Beet seeds can be planted as soon as the soil can be worked at the start of the growing season. Planting them every two or three weeks will provide a continuous harvest into the fall. A beet seed is a fruit containing several seeds. Overcrowding the plants will mean that the roots cannot spread out and grow,so thin the beets by removing the smaller ones and using them as greens.

A specialist named Cindy Haynes says little or no fertilizer is needed in rich soils. Once the seeds are planted,however,she suggests covering the soil to protect it from the rain and during dry periods. She also suggests putting a fence around the plants to keep away rabbits and deer. She says the only work beets need once they have been thinned is weeding and, when the weather is dry,a weekly watering. For best results,beets should be picked when the roots are two and one-half centimeters around. Larger beets can be tough,and have to be cooked for a long time. Beets can be eaten in many ways.

60.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A. How to test the soil.           B. How to plant beets

C. When to harvest beets.          D. When to plant beets.

61.Smaller beets are often removed in order to       .

A. give other beets space to grow    B. add more fertilizer to the soil

C. plant new seeds                D. use the green,young leaves in salads

62.What may the next part of the last paragraph be about?

A. When to pick beets.             B. How to eat beets.

C. The uses of beets.              D. The taste of larger beets.

63.The passage is most probably from a(n)     .

A. gardening book   B. education magazine   C. science report   D. entertainment magazine
