问题 单项选择题

The heat generated by the operating system war between rivals IBM Corp. and Microsoft Corp. is (21) .
Windows 95 and OS/2 introduce a new (22) . Both systems claim to multitask legacy DOS and 16-bit Windows applications. However, only OS/2 can provide full memory (crash) protection for these legacy applications because it is capable of running each DOS and Windows application within its full-protected memory address space.
Windows 95 will run all current Windows applications in the same shared- memory address space, affording full memory protection only to the (23) 32-bit Windows 95 applications. In other word, Windows 95 users will have to (24) their current Windows applications to Windows 95 version to match the memory protection OS/2 now delivers.
While OS/2 does afford superior memory protection and multitasking for legacy DOS and Windows applications, it will not be able to run any Windows 95 applications. IBM may address this (25) in an update of the OS but has no present plans to do so.

A. place B. environment C. condition D. action





材料一  卫鞅曰:“治世不一道,便国不法古。故汤、武不循古而王,夏、殷不易礼而亡。反古者不可非,而循礼者不足多。”秦孝公曰:“善!”以卫鞅为左庶长,卒定变法之令。……有军功者,各以率受上爵。为私斩者,各以轻重被刑大小。僇力本业,耕织致粟帛多者复其身。事末利及怠而贫者,举以为收孥。宗室非有军功论,不得为属籍。                   


材料二  及秦孝公用商君,坏井田,开阡陌,急耕战之赏。虽非古道,犹以务本之故,倾邻国而雄诸侯。然王制遂灭,僭差亡度。庶人之富者累巨万,而贫者食糟糠;有国强者兼州城,而弱者丧社稷。                                                             


材料三  商君相秦十年,宗室贵戚多怨望者……后五月而秦孝公卒,太子立,公子虔之徒告商君欲反,发吏捕商君……秦惠王车裂商君以徇,曰:“莫如商鞅反者!”遂灭商君之家。    





