问题 问答题 案例分析题

2011年,中 * * 党迎来建党90周年。九十年岁月峥嵘,九十年奋斗不息。中 * * 党经历过北伐战争的洗礼、土地革命的磨砺、抗日战争的烽烟、解放战争的炮火、抗美援朝的血站,也经历过社会主义改造和建设、十年“ * * ”、改革开放等历史考验。尽管历经沧桑,风云变幻,但是依然薪火相传,党旗高扬。在一个又一个的重要历史关头,中 * * 党运筹帷幄,一次又一次地做出历史性决策,一次又一次拯救人民于水火。90年的光辉历程,走出了一条颠扑不破的真理:中 * * 党是中 * * 的中流砥柱,是国家走向强盛的脊梁。没有 * * 党就没有新中国。


为什么说中 * * 党是中 * * 的中流砥柱?



中 * * 党是中国工人阶级的先锋队,同时是中国人民和中 * * 的先锋队。全心全意为人民服务是党的宗旨。中 * * 党不仅具有历史和法律赋予的执政资格,也具有与时俱进的执政能力,坚持科学执政、民主执政、依法执政,不断完善党的领导方式和执政方式。中 * * 党是社会主义现代化建设的领导核心。


Living in a foreign culture can be exciting, but it can also be confusing(令人迷惑的). Some Americans who taught English in other countries recently talked about their experiences.

On her first day in Micronesia(密克罗尼西亚), an island in the Pacific, Lisa thought people weren’t paying any attention to her. It was hot. She went into a store and asked, “Do you have cold drinks? ” The woman there said nothing. Lisa repeated the question. Still the woman said nothing. She later learned that the woman had answered her: She had raised her eyebrows(眉毛), which in Micronesia means “yes”.

Jane remembered an experience she had in Bulgaria(保加利亚), a country in Europe. She went to a restaurant. She asked the waiter, “Do you have cabbage today?” He nodded his head. Jane waited, but the cabbage never came. In that country, a nod means “no”.

Tom had a similar problem when he arrived in India. After explaining something in class, he asked his students if they understood. Some nod and others shake. He thought some students had not understood, so he explained again. When he asked again, they did the same thing. He soon knew that his students did understand. In India, people nod and shake their heads in different ways depending on where they come from. You have to know where a person is from to understand whether they mean “yes” or “no”.

小题1:These Americans in the passage found that they__________ .

A.should go abroad for vacations

B.needed to learn foreign languages

C.should often discuss their experiences

D.had problems with communication in other countries小题2:People in Micronesia show “yes” by ________ .

A.nodding heads

B.raising eyebrows

C.shaking heads

D.saying “no”小题3:Tom misunderstood(误解)his class at first because_______ .

A.he didn’t know much about Indian culture

B.he didn’t explain everything clearly enough

C.some students didn’t speak English

D.he didn’t know where the students came from小题4:Which of the following is TRUE?

A.In Bulgaria, nodding heads means “no”.

B.Jane taught English on a Pacific island.

C.Lisa was trying to buy some cabbage.

D.In India, only shaking heads means “yes”.小题5:The passage is mainly about_________ .

A.body language in foreign restaurants

B.class discussion in Indian schools

C.different language cultures in different countries

D.English teaching in other countries
