问题 问答题

(5)若工程所在地综合人工日工资标准为22.50元,每吨型钢支架工程消耗的各种型钢 1.06t(每吨型钢综合单价3 600元),消耗安装材料费380元,消耗各种机械台班费490元,试计算每10t型钢支架工程单价。
(3)若测得完成每米管道保温需要基本工作时间5.2 h,辅助工作时间、准备与结束丁作时间、不可避免的中断时间、休息时间分别占工作延续时间的2%、2%、2%、16%。试计算每米管道保温的人工时间定额和产量定额。
(5)若工程所在地综合人工日工资标准为23.00元。每米管道工程消耗325普通碳素钢管56ks(每吨钢管单价3 100元)、保温材料0.085 m3(每立方米保温材料综合单价290元),消耗其他材料费230元,消耗各种机械台班费360元。试计算每10m管道工程的单价。



解析:问题(1) 由直接工程费、间接费、计划利润、税金四部分费用组成。问题(2) ①分部分项工程单价由人工费、材料费、机械台班使用费(或机械使用费、机械费)三部分费用组成。 ②分部分项工程单价人工费=∑(人工工日数×人工单价)或 人工费=∑(概预算定额中人工工日消耗量×相应等级的日工资综合单价) ③分部分项工程单价材料费=∑(材料消耗量×材料单价)或 材料费=∑(概预算定额中材料、构配件、零件、半成品的消耗量x相应预算价格) ④分部分项工程单价机械台班使用费=∑(机械台班消耗量×机械台班单价)或 施工机械使用费=∑(概预算定额中施工机械台班量×机械台班综合单价)+其他机械使用费+施工机械进出场费Ⅰ.型钢支架工程问题(3) ①人工时间定额=5.4/[(1-3%-2%-2%-18%)×8]=9工日/t ②人工产量定额=1/9=0.11 t/工日问题(4) 每吨型钢支架定额人工消耗量=(9/12)×(1+10%)=23.1工日问题(5) ①每10t型钢支架工程人工费:23.1×22.5×10=5 197.5元 ②每10t型钢支架工程材料费:(1.06×3 600+380)×10=41 960元 ③每10t型钢支架工程机械台班使用费:490×10=4 900元 ④每10t型钢支架工程单价:5 197.50+41 960+4 900=52 057.5元Ⅱ.管道工程问题(3) ①人工时间定额=5.2/[(1-2%-2%-2%-16%)×8]=0.83工日/m ②人工产量定额=1/0.83=1.2m/工日问题(4) 每米管道工程定额人工消耗量=(0.83+8)×(1+12%)=9.89工日问题(5) ①每10m管道工程人工费:9.89×23.00×10=2274.70元 ②每10m管道工程材料费:(56×3.10+0.085×290+230)×10=4 282.50元 ③每10m管道工程机械台班使用费:360×10=3 600元 ④每10m管道工程单价:2 274.70+4 282.50+3 600=10157.20元


Johnny Smith was a good math student at a high schoo1.He loved his computer.He came home early every day, then he worked with it till midnight.But Johnny was not a good English student ,not good at all.He got an F in his English class.One day after school,Johnny joined his computer to the computer in his high school office.The school office computer had the grades of all the students:the math grades ,the science grades, the grades in arts and music, and the grades in English.He found his English grade from an F!Johnny changed his English grade from all F to A.Johnny's parents looked at his report card.They were very happy.

“An A in English!” said Johnny's dad.“You're a very clever boy, Johnny.”

Johnny is a hacker(黑客).Hackers know how to take information from other computers and put new information in.Using a modem(调制解调器),they join their computers to other computer secretly.School headmasters and teachers are worried about hackers.So are the police,for some people even take money from bank computer account(账户)and put it into their own ones.And they never have to leave home to do it!They are called hackers.

Although hackers are good at computers.they shouldn't do anything against the law.

小题1:Johnny changed his English grade with the computer in.         

A.the classroom

B.the school office

C.a bank near his house

D.his own house小题2:When Johnny's parents saw the report,they were happy because         .

A.Johnny was good at math

B.Johnny loved computers

C.Johnny could join one computer to another

D.they thought Johnny was not poor in English any longer小题3:Who are worried about hackers in the story?

A.Johnny's parents.

B.School headmasters teachers and the police.

C.The police.

D.School headmasters and teachers.小题4:What should the hackers know well,do you think,after you read this story?


B.Back computer accounts.


D.Grades.小题5:The third paragraph is about         




