You are the project manager in an automobile manufacturing company.Because of heavy rains,the machine parts required in your manufacturing process which a vendor was sending to you,could not reach you in time.You had anticipated this risk and planned for it in your risk response plan.So,as part of your risk response plan,you started using machine parts which had been supplied 1 year ago and were not utilized at that time.However,this has subjected your project to a new risk-that the machine parts which were not used for 1 year might be a having higher level of defects.This new risk can also be called______.
A.unidentifiable risk
B.unmanageable risk
C.secondary risk
D.residual risk
解析: 你是一家汽车制造公司的项目经理。由于暴雨影响,作为制造流水线很重要一部分的设备不能按你的时间要求送达。你已经对此风险进行了预测并编写了应对计划。因此,作为你的风险应对计划的一部分,你启用了备用设备,该设备是1年以前配备的并且未使用过。然而,这导致你的项目产生新的风险,即该设备可能出现严重的故障。这种新的风险被称为______。 A) 未识别的风险 B) 不可管理的风险 C) 次生风险 D) 残留风险 请区分次生风险(二次风险)和残留风险,残留风险是完成风险应对计划后剩余的风险;次生风险是指执行风险应对计划所导致产生的新风险。