Roger: Reading a lot as a child causes nearsightedness— difficulty seeing things at a distance.
Louise: I disagree. Any correlation between nearsightedness and reading results from the fact that children who have trouble seeing things at a distance are likeliest to prefer those activities, such as reading, that involve looking at things close up.
Louise disputes Roger’s claim by
A.demonstrating that an absurd conclusion would follow if Roger’s claim were accepted.
B.arguing that what Roger claims to be a cause of a given phenomenon is actually its effect.
C.using an analogy to expose a flaw in Roger’s reasoning.
D.pointing out that Roger’s claim is self-contradictory.
E.(E) attempting to demonstrate that Roger uses the term "nearsightedness" in an ambiguous way.
解析: 本题属于“逻辑应用与技法”题型,寻找一个描述Louise反驳Roger的选项。第一个人Roger认为阅读导致近视眼,而第二个人Louise认为看远处景物有困难的孩子最有可能选择需要从近处观看物体的活动,如阅读,换而言之,近视导致阅读。(B)说明论证Roger的声明中某一现象的原因(近视)实际上是该现象的结果,很好地描述了这一特点,所以(B)正确。