问题 单项选择题

You are an expert in risk management,having worked in the field for more than 15 years.Your project is behind schedule and in your project.you are in the process of identifying which risks may affect your project through the risk identification process.In a discussion with your project sponsor,you mention that after the risk identification phase is completed,you would like to directly perform quantitative risk analysis.Your project sponsor cautions you against doing this-he mentions that in a prior project,qualitative risk analysis was conducted after risk identification.In this context,you will______.

A.mention to your sponsor that since you are an expert in risk management, there is no need to do qualitative risk management and the team can directly go to quantitative risk management phasThis will also save time since your project is behind schedule

B.agree with your sponsor that not doing qualitative risk analysis may mean some risks will remain unidentified and increase the probability of failure in your project

C.mention to the sponsor that usually in your past experience,qualitative risk analysis was a waste of time and not recommended for this project

D.mention to the sponsor that this is a type of project where qualitative risk analysis is not requireSpecific categories of projects do not need qualitative risk analysis



解析: 你是一名风险管理专家,在这个领域有着超过15年的经验。你的项目已经落后进度,你在通过风险识别过程来识别哪个风险会对你的项目造成影响。在和项目干系人讨论时,你提出在完成风险识别过程后,开始风险定量分析。你的项目干系人警告你,这是一个优先级比较高的项目,最好在风险识别后开始风险定性分析。在此种情况下,你应该______。 A) 告诉你的项目干系人,你是风险管理专家,这里不需要执行风险定性分析,团队可以直接进人风险定量分析阶段,这可以节省项目时问 B) 同意你项目干系人的观点,不做风险定性分析意味着一些风险仍然未被识别,这会增大项目未来失败的概率 C) 告诉你的项目干系人,根据你过去的经验,风险定性分析通常是浪费时间,这个项目不需要进行 D) 告诉你的项目干系人,对这种类型的项目.风险定性分析不是必要的。某些特定类型的项目不需要风险定性分析 根据风险管理过程,风险识别后通常进入风险定性分析过程。作为可能的选择,当有富有经验的风险管理者管理时,也可以直接进入风险定量分析过程。请记住:过程并不是必须都要应用的。

单项选择题 A1/A2型题