问题 单项选择题

The value of a product is determined by the ratio of its quality to its price. The higher the value of a product, the better will be its competitive position. Therefore, either increasing the quality or lowering the price of a given product will increase the likelihood that consumer will select that product rather than a competing one.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion drawn above

A.It is possible to increase both the quality and the price of a product without changing its competitive position.

B.For certain segments of the population of consumers, higher-priced brands of some product lines are preferred to the lower-priced brands.

C.Competing products often try to appeal to different segments of the population of consumers.

D.The competitive position of a product can be affected by such factors as advertising and brand loyalty.

E.(E) Consumers’ perceptions of the quality of a product are based on the actual quality of the product.



解析: 本题实际上就是在考单词。(E)选项中的the actual quality=value,与段落的第一句话“The value of product is determined by the ratio of its quality to its price”结合,可以很好地支持上述结论;(A)符合常识,似为真理,但与上面段落推理无关,所以不能支持段落推理的结论;(B)起到部分反对作用;(D)指出“广告与品牌忠实程度”这些其他原因可影响产品的竞争地位,所以反对了上面的结论,因此(D)也不正确。
