问题 单项选择题

(三)张某是一名退伍军人,2001年7月张某与某电子厂签订为期3年的劳动合同,工种为门卫,合同约定试用期为7个月。  2002年7月,张某值班时发现本厂职工李某等人从厂内往外偷运电子器材,张某予以制止,李某发现事情败露,遂掏出匕首将张某刺伤,并用铁棍等袭击张某,张某当场昏迷,李某等人逃脱。事后,张某被送进医院,经抢救脱离危险,但医院确认其丧失劳动能力。电子厂认为张某出院后已不能从事原门卫工作且本厂也无其他适合张某干的工作,遂通知张某解除合同。张某不同意解除合同,向工会寻求援助,工会向厂方提出反对解除劳动合同的意见。厂方不予理睬,并认为工会无权过问此事。张某无奈,向该厂所在区劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。  请回答下面92~97题: 张某与电子厂所签劳动合同有何不妥之处









第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


When I was a kid, I always used to wonder how in the world my father work outside in the winter without a coat. It could be minus 20 degrees centigrade and there’d be Dad, removing snow, or perhaps chopping some wood --- his coat thrown aside--- wearing a shirt , a cap, and a pair of gloves.

“Aren’t you cold, Dad?” I’d ask. “No,” Dad would reply. “I’m not cold--- working too hard to be cold.”

Many times I wondered whether my father was an extremely tough man, or whether he was foolish.

One time when I was quite young, perhaps five or so, I went ice fishing with Dad. It was a bright, clear day—and bitterly cold.

After we’d been out on the ice for a little while, my feet started getting cold.

“ Daddy, my feet are cold.” I said.

“Yeah, it’s cold out here today,” he replied.

“Tell you what,” he said. “Walk around. Make some circles in the snow. See how many different patterns you can make. That will get your feet warm.”

Now, I was just a little girl at the time but I remember thinking, “How in the world will walking around in the snow make my feet warm? Dad must be out of mind.

But he was my father, after all. I made circles in the snow. I made squares. Pretty soon I was having so much fun making patterns in the snow. I forgot about my feet being cold.

Now, all these years later, I know, too, from personal experience how my father was able to take his coat off and work outside in the winter wearing just a shirt, a cap and gloves. Because I do it, too. “Aren’t you cold?” my husband asked one winter day. “No,” I replied. “I’m not cold—working too hard to be cold.”

I hope my husband has decided I’m both tough and smart. But I guess quite a bit of the time he thinks I’m foolish.

Wherever Dad is in that great big farm in the sky—I’m sure he can’t help but smile whenever I take my coat off while I’m working outside in the winter.

51. When the author’s feet felt cold, her father advised her to____.

A. go home alone first        B. keep walking in the snow

C. draw pictures in the snow    D. light a fire on the ice

52. Hearing her father’s advice, the author thought her father____.

A. forgettable      B. warm-hearted         C. crazy              D. cruel

53. What might the author’s husband think of her?

A. Tough            B. Smart                    C. Brave             D. Foolish

54. The author’s purpose of writing this passage is to ______.

A. remember her tough and smart father

B. show how her father cared about her

C. describe memories of her childhood

D. explain why her father loved her so much
