问题 问答题 论述题

习 * * 在广东考察工作谈到当前经济形势,既充分肯定今年我国经济社会发展取得的成绩,看到我国经济社会发展基本面长期趋好的态势,也要看到国际国内各种不利因素的长期性、复杂性、曲折性。不回避矛盾,不掩盖问题,从坏处准备,争取最好的结果,牢牢把握主动权。他希望广东继续在改革开放中发挥窗口作用,试验作用、排头作用,为经济社会发展再添新动力。

结合材料从“矛盾观”出发,谈谈你对习 * * 对当前经济形势分析内容的理解。




(1)矛盾就是反映事物内部对立和统一关系的哲学范畴,简言之,矛盾就是对立统一。这要求我们坚持用全面的观点看问题。习 * * 对当前经济形势的分析,既看到我国经济社会发展基本面长期趋好的态势,也要看到国际国内各种不利因素的长期性、复杂性、曲折性。


(3)矛盾的普遍性和特殊性相互联结。习 * * 希望广东继续在改革开放中发挥窗口作用,试验作用、排头作用,为经济社会发展再添新动力体现了这一道理。


本题要求学生结合材料从“矛盾观”出发,谈谈对习 * * 对当前经济形势分析内容的理解。学生解答本题必须紧紧扣住材料,从材料中习 * * * * 对当前经济形势的分析中找出关键词语,来确定答题的方向。题中材料“既充分肯定今年我国经济社会发展取得的成绩,看到我国经济社会发展基本面长期趋好的态势,也要看到国际国内各种不利因素的长期性、复杂性、曲折性”,体现了坚持用一分为二的观点看问题;题中材料“不回避矛盾,不掩盖问题,从坏处准备,争取最好的结果,牢牢把握主动权”,体现了事物矛盾的普遍性和客观性;题中材料“广东继续在改革开放中发挥窗口作用,试验作用、排头作用”,体现了矛盾普遍性与特殊性的辩证关系。



The finding is contrary to the common belief that all people are motivated to alleviate negative moods, according to Jonathon Brown, a University of Washington psychologist.

(46) “Many people with low self-esteem believe sadness is part of life and that you shouldn’t try to get rid of it, while people with high self-esteem believe in doing something to feel better if they have a negative experience or get in a bad mood, ”said Brown.

The researchers conducted five studies involving nearly 900 people. (47)In the key experiment, the researchers created a sad mood by having subjects listen to music and found that people with low self-esteem were significantly less likely than people with high self-esteem to select a comedy video from among six tapes to break their mood.

“People with lowself-esteem feel resignation because they question whether anything will help and say ‘ I’m not good at breaking or changing a mood, ” Brown said. “They also believe sadness is not something you get rid of and that you learn and grow from sadness. They feel it is not appropriate to try to change a mood. These are not people who would necessarily go to the movies or shopping to feel better. ”

There are things that people with low self-esteem can do to snap a negative mood, according to Brown.

(48) “If you have low self-esteem, you should actively try to rise above the sadness and learn that you will feel better if you do not passively accept sadness. You can get better if you remind yourself to do something. You may have to kick yourself in the butt to go to a movie because it will require a conscious effort rather than something that comes automatically, ” he said.

The other four studies reinforced the idea that low self-esteem people are less motivated to change a negative mood. The initial study asked students to record in a diary a positive or negative experience that happened to them in the next 7 to 10 days and what they did afterwards. (49)The second study found that people with low self-esteem are equally knowledgeable as those with high self-esteem about strategies to repair negative moods.

The final two studies asked people about their experiences when they were in a negative mood. (50) Those with high self-esteem were more likely to express the need to do something to change the mood and less likely to recall instances when they didn’t find a way to improve their mood. Those with low self-esteem, however, were more likely to say such moods are acceptable and that they couldn’t change a mood even if they tried. They also were more likely to say that negative moods sapped their energy.

(48) “If you have low self-esteem, you should actively try to rise above the sadness and learn that you will feel better if you do not passively accept sadness.
