问题 填空题


A: Hi, John.

B: Hello, Kate,  ___小题1:___ is that girl over there?

A: You mean the girl ___小题2:___ red? She is my new classmate , Anne.

B: Is she from England?

A: No. She is from America. She is ___小题3:___.

B: Why does she come ___小题4:___ China?

A: Her parents are working here.

B: You mean the two foreign__小题5:___ in our school?

A: Yeah. She is __小题6:___ daughter.

B: Does she ___小题7:__ English?

A: Of course.

B: Maybe you can ___小题8:___ her to help you ___小题9:___ your English.

A: How about her ____小题10:____.

B: She can only speak a little Chinese. So we can help each other.

A: That sounds a good idea.














小题2:根据句意:你的意思是穿红色衣服的女孩?in red穿红色衣服  in+颜色,表穿着。故填in


小题4:根据句意:她为什么来中国。故填come to 来




小题8:根据句意:或许你可以叫她帮你补习英语。ask sb to do sth.叫某人做某事

小题9:根据句意:帮你补习英语。help sb with sth.帮助某人某事



     Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late
thirties that I made this important   1  : giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry
if you   2   money.
     his is how I   3   with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store
   4   to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the   5  . If an accident takes place, the   6   of which I think
the local police could use, I   7   him up and tell him about it, though I am not in   8   here. One discovery I
made about this world is to give   9   getting something back, though the   10   often comes in an unexpected
     One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special letter to my home, though it was
   11   to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of   12  . More than a year later I needed a post-office
box for a new business I was  13 . I was told at the window that there were  14   boxes left, and that my name
would have to go on a long  15  list. As I was about to  16   the post office, the postmaster appeared in the 
  17   ."Wasn't it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering an  18  delivery to your home?" I said
it was."Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office   19   we make one for you. You don't
know what a letter like that means to us. We  20  get nothing but complaints."
( )1. A. decision  
( )2. A. earn       
( )3. A. experienced 
( )4. A. happens   
( )5. A. customer   
( )6. A. story     
( )7. A. call       
( )8. A. need       
( )9. A. plus       
( )10.  A. process 
( )11.  A. replied 
( )12. A. invitation
( )13. A. dealing 
( )14. A. enough   
( )15. A. admitting 
( )16. A. leave   
( )17. A. window   
( )18. A. unfamiliar
( )19. A. in case 
( )20.  A. even     
B. research   
B. lack       
B. connected 
B. occurs     
B. headmaster 
B. damage     
B. hold       
B. trouble   
B. without   
B. goal       
B. addressed 
B. apology   
B. providing 
B. some       
B. relating   
B. shout     
B. doorway   
B. unexpected 
B. now that   
B. hardly     
C. speech   
C. spend     
C. cooperated 
C. sticks   
C. storekeeper
C. challenge 
C. break     
C. common   
C. for       
C. return   
C. driven   
C. complaint 
C. applying 
C. no       
C. examining 
C. guess     
C. home     
C. unknown   
C. even if   
C. usually   
D. discovery         
D. steal             
D. agreed            
D. leads             
D. policeman         
D. material          
D. pick              
D. charge            
D. before            
D. concern           
D. brought           
D. appreciation      
D. starting          
D. more              
D. waiting           
D. act               
D. yard              
D. uncertain         
D. as if             
D. rather            
问答题 案例分析题

秋天,是个适宜用耳朵听的季节。 秋日里,最不能遗忘的就是知了的叫声了。在秋高气爽的午后,那阵阵参差不齐的合唱此起彼伏,随之向天空飞扬,在云端停驻片刻,倏尔又跌落下来。少了夏日几许的聒噪,多了几分从容和坦然。在生命的最后日子里,没有理由轻言虚度,没有理由不尽情歌唱。 有空的话,也不要忘记到田地里去走走。傍晚,或者清晨,只须携一份平静的心,去亲近那久违的田垄。听听沉甸甸的玉米在杆上欣喜的私语;听听金黄的豆子迫不及待地噼里啪啦地跳将出来;听听笔直的芝麻杆上“砰砰”的拔节声。此刻,你的心里会充满欣慰。 秋收后的田野,容颜更显得沧桑,胸怀更显得空旷。那萧瑟的玉米地中,黄绿斑驳的玉米叶子在浸着凉意的秋风中沙沙作响,没有一丝告别的悲伤,有的只是从容的挥手,沉静的微笑。那刚刚收割后的芝麻地里,一截截露出地面的芝麻茬,稍稍发白发干的茎秆截面,还隐约渗出点点晶莹的汁水,不会是听到芝麻粒儿跳出菱角后喜悦的泪水吧。 最喜欢坐在繁星满天的秋夜下,仰望天际,听点点星星在窃窃私语。偶尔,传来几声“唧唧”的声音,或许是蟋蟀或者蛐蛐在梦中的呓语吧,那会瞬间让你心静如水。 每一朵花,每一株草,每一片落叶,每一滴露珠,都是一种语言,但这种语言只有心灵纯净且充满挚爱的人才能听懂。美就藏在我们疲惫的心灵之外,远在天涯而又近在咫尺。去听吧,潺潺的流水和鸟儿的啼鸣,犹如滴水崖中流泻出的清澈和美丽,点点滴滴,经久不息地在我们耳畔喧响。 凉爽的夜里,躺在床上,当给自己一天的思绪划上句号的时候,那“咚咚”的心跳声正清晰地响彻在耳际。莫名的感动涌上心头,生命的感觉此刻是如此强烈,生命的脚步从未如此从容!听听自己的心脏的跳动.那儿会传来一个熟悉而又亲切的声音:来吧,到这儿来。那是来自母亲的召唤.是来自大自然的消息。 秋天了,叫醒自己沉睡的耳朵吧!用心去听,你会发现,在秋的行囊中,满载的都是单纯的快乐与纯粹的幸福。 (节选自郑毅《听秋》,有删减)
