[背景] 1995年10月20日,某化工厂与某市政工程公司签订钢铁厂地下排水工程总承包合同,总长7000m,市政工程公司将任务下达给该公司第四施工队。事后,第四施工队又与某乡建筑工程队签订分包合同,由乡建筑工程队分包4000m施工任务,合同金额40万元,11月10日正式施工。土995年11月25日市建委主管部门在检查该项工程施工中,发现某乡建筑工程队承包手续不符合有关规定,责令停工。某乡建筑工程队不予理睬。12月6日市政工程公司下达停工文件,某乡建筑工程队不服,以合同经双方自愿签订,并有营业执照为由,于12月12日诉至人民法院,要求第四施工队继续履行合同或承担毁约责任并赔偿经济损失。此案应如何处理 [问题]依法确认总、分包合同的法律效力。 2.该合同的法律效力应由哪个机关(机构)确认 3.某乡建筑工程队提供的承包工程法定文书完备吗 4.某市建委主管部门是否有权责令停工 5.合同纠纷的法律责任如何裁决
The Commission is expected to propose allowing people to choose which legal jurisdiction they would come under, based on their (1) or their residency. But the proposal is set to (2) because of the very different laws on divorce that apply across the EU. The Commission wants to (3) problems over which law to apply when, for example, a married couple from one member state is (4) in another member state or when the couple is of different EU nationalities. The (5) of member states are said to be (6) the idea and responded positively to a (6) which followed the (8) of a Commission Green Paper. With 15 percent of German divorces each year involving couples of different nationalities, the government of Berlin (9) see resolved the issue of which laws should apply. But some member states are expected to resist the (10) which would involve allowing different divorce laws to be applied in their countries. For example, in Ireland where the divorce law states a couple must have been separated for four years, establish that their marriage has broken down and be offered (11) , a couple from Sweden could apply to an Irish court to allow them to divorce under Swedish law, where divorce can be (12) quickly. The Irish government’s (13) to the Commission on the Green Paper stated: "Ireland is not in favor of allowing (14) to choose the applicable law, as this could be open to abuse.., such abuse would be likely to (15) most on divorce regimes, such as that of Ireland, which require a relatively long separation period." Ireland, like the UK, however, is allowed to choose whether to "opt-in" to such a proposal under rules agreed in the Amsterdam treaty. Malta has no such (16) but could (17) the proposal in the Council of Ministers since (18) approval will be required. "It is going to lead to (19) ," said Geoffrey Shannon, Irish expert on the Commission on European Family Law, which examines the (20) of EU family law. The proposal would also mean that judges would have to be trained in the divorce law of all 25 member states.