问题 单项选择题








解析:从图片看出图(a) 是御史大夫,图(b)是太尉, 御史大夫是副丞相,执掌群臣奏章,下达皇帝诏令,并负责监察百官;太尉,负责管理全国军务。因此选C。考点:秦朝政治制度点评:秦朝在中央,设置丞相、御史大夫和太尉三个最高官职。丞相为百官之首,帮助皇帝处理全国政事;御史大夫是副丞相,执掌群臣奏章,下达皇帝诏令,并负责监察百官;太尉,负责管理全国军务。丞相之下还有诸卿,分别掌管着国家的各项具体事务,是中央政府的职能部门。



Our 16-year-old daughter started to smoke last Christmas. It killed me to see that lovely girl with a cigarette(香烟) in her mouth. I told her how I felt. Martha continued to smoke(抽烟), saying, “It's my life,” and so on. I told her if she didn't stop smoking, I wouldn't send her to college. She agreed to give it up.

Last night there was cigarette smell on Martha's breath(呼吸). She had to say she had broken her word. Now I must do what I've said to punish(惩罚) her.

Martha is unusually bright and wants to teach children. I'm working full-time to put her older sister through school and would do the same for Martha. My husband's pay is good, but with prices going up all the time we could never educate the girls unless I kept on working.

My theory(理论) is that if smoking is more important to Martha than college, I'm a fool to work to put her through college.

68. Why did the mother feel sad?

A. Because her daughter failed to go to college.

B. Because her daughter tried to kill her.

C. Because her daughter promised to smoke no more.

D. Because her daughter got used to smoking.

79. The mother warned that if Martha didn't give up smoking, she would ______.

A. refuse to give Martha any money

B. not be Martha's mother

C. refuse to pay for Martha's college education

D. not let Martha teach children

70. What did Martha really do after mother warned her?

A. She failed to keep her promise.

B. She kept her promise.

C. She managed to give up smoking.

D. he broke something her mother give her.