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Passage 1
如果时光能够倒流几十年,我真希望成为你们中的一员。耶鲁大学校训强调追求光明和真理,这符合人类进步的法则,也符合每个有志青年的心愿。300多年来,耶鲁大学培养出一大批杰出人才,其中包括20位诺贝尔奖获得者、5位美国总统。美国民族英雄内森·黑尔是耶鲁校友,他的名言— “我唯一的憾事,就是没有第二:次生命献给我的祖国”,深深感染了我和许多中国人。//


参考答案:Let me begin by thanking you, Mr. Levin, for your kind invitation, which brings me to Yale to meet young friends and teachers of this world-renowned university. Coming to the Yale campus, surrounded by its distinctive academic atmosphere, and looking at the eager and youthful faces in the audience, I couldn’t help recalling my great studying experience at Qinghua University in Beijing D0 years ago. I still benefit greatly from my teachers’ instruction and the inspiration from my fellow students back then. Yale is renowned for its long history, unique way of teaching and excellence in academic pursuit. //
If time could go back several decades I would really like to be a student of Yale just like you. Yale’s motto "Light and Truth." which is a calling for human progress, represents the aspiration of every motivated young man and woman. Over the past three centuries, Yale has produced a galaxy of outstanding figures, including B0 Nobel laureates and five American presidents. The words of Nathan Hale, an American hero and Yale alumnus "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country" have also moved me and many other Chinese.//
I sincerely hope that Yale will produce more talent and contribute further to the social and economic development of the United States and the cause of human progress. The Chinese and Americans have always had an intense interest in and cared deeply about each other. The Chinese admire the pioneering and enterprising spirit of the Americans and their proud achievement in national development. As China develops rapidly and China-U.S. cooperation is making steady headway, more and more Americans are following with great interest China’s progress and development.//
