问题 单项选择题










Many researchers have found greater dependence and obedience in very young girls, greater autonomy and activity in boys. When a barrier is set up to separate children from their mothers, boys try to knock it down; girls cry helplessly. There is little doubt that mother’s encouragement or discouragement—of such behavior plays a major role in determining adult personality. For example, a mother often stimulates male autonomy by throwing a toy far away from her young son, thus silently suggesting to him that he leaves her to get it.
Animal studies suggest that there may be a biological factor in material behavior; mothers of some monkeys punish their male babies earlier and more often than their female offspring; they also touch their female babies more often and act more protectively toward them.
As for the controversial question of female "passivity", psychologist Helen Deutsh believes that the concept has been misunderstood. "There is no contradiction between being feminine and working. The self can be active in both men and women," she says. It is only in love and sex that passivity is particularly appropriate for women. As she sees it, passivity is no more than a king of openness and warmth; it does not mean "inactivity of emptiness".
Another controversy ranges over the effect of hormones. Aggressive women; who discount hormonal influence, disagree violently with scientific researchers, who almost unanimously agree that hormones help determine how people feel and act. So far, there have been few studies of male hormones, but scientists think they may eventually discover hormonal cycles in men that produce cyclic changes in mood and behavior. As for females, studies have indicated that 49 percent of female medical and surgical admissions, most psychiatric hospital admission and 62 percent of violent crimes among women prisoners are related with hormonal cycles in women.

Scientists think that ______ .

A.they may get the result of how hormones work
B.they should do more studies on male hormones
C.they may get hormones to serve people
D.nearly half of the female patients have hormone problem





材料二  电影《东京审判》2006年9月1日起在全国公映。该片一下子将人们尘封的记忆重新拉回到60年前那场正义对邪恶的东京大审判。中国是日本侵略的最大受害国,中 * * 的抗战为国际反法西斯战争的最终胜利做出了重大贡献,付出了巨大的民族牺牲。然而作为战胜国的中国,却由于国力弱小,在东京审判开始时并未受到他国的重视。不过。经过一个中国人的奋力抗争,中国才在那场耗时2年7个月、历经817次庭审的艰难审判中,最终将东条英机等7名主要战犯送上了绞刑架。


(2)简要指出中国人民取得抗日战争胜利的主要原因。 (2分)结合材料和所学知识概括东京审判将侵华主要战犯送上绞刑架的主要原因。(3分)

材料三  2006年11月4日,中非合作论坛北京峰会在北京人民大会堂隆重开幕,胡 * * 发表重要讲话。胡 * * 指出,中非人民友谊源远流长、历久钧坚。中国和非洲都是人类文明的发祥地,都是充满希望的热土。共同的命运、共同的目标把我们紧紧团结在一起。非洲联盟秘书长萨苏在致辞中说1955年的万隆会议为非中关系奠定了基础。

温 * * * * 同日在领导人与工商界代表高层对话会上发表讲话时说:“我们永远不会忘记长期以来广大非洲国家对中国维护国家主权和领土完整给予的宝贵支持。”

(3)结合所学知识,指出中国与非洲在世界近现史上的“共同命运”是什么?(2分)温 * * 在讲话中提到的广大非洲国家对中国长期的宝贵支持指的是什么?(1分)

材料四 中国国家 * * 胡 * * 2005年9月15日在联合国成立60周年首脑会议上发表的题为《努力建立持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界》的讲话,给世界特别是联合国带来了耳目一新的惊喜和思考。这是中国第一次在代表世界最高权威的讲坛上,以国家最高领导人的名义,向全世界推广从中国当代内政中演绎出来的政治、社会和文化精华——“和谐”理念。对世界来说,这应是一份“和谐”宣言书,而联合国确实太需要这种“和谐”之声了。

