问题 阅读理解与欣赏






不知道为什么,对于屈原,我有一种“旷百世而相感”的特别感情。从少年时代起,我就爱读《离骚》,每读到“长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰” “亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔”的时候,总是“唏嘘而不可禁”。不过,我真正理解屈原的精神和《离骚》的真谛,还是在直接受到闻一多先生的教诲以后。

说起来,这是二十多年前的事了。那时我在北平清华大学读书,闻一多先生主讲的《楚辞》是我最喜欢的功课之一。闻先生上课是不拘形式的,别的教师都在日间上课,他偏偏把课程排到晚间。我还记得,每当华灯初上,或者皓月当头,他总是带着微醺的感情,步入教室,口里高吟着:“士无事,痛饮酒,熟读《离骚》,方可为真名士!”接着,他就边朗诵,边讲解,边发挥。时而悲歌慷慨,热泪纵横;时而酣畅淋漓,击节赞赏。与其说闻先生是以渊博学识 翔实的考证 独到的见解吸引着我们,毋宁说他是以强烈的爱国主义精神 深沉的悲悯情怀感动着我们。1935至1936年间,敌人的铁蹄已经越过了长城。那时候,几千里锦绣河山,几十座繁荣城市,都已经遭受践踏。旧时在那些暂时还没有沦陷的国土上,南瞻北望,又何处不是哀鸿遍野,民不聊生?这艰难的岁月跟屈原的时代是多么相像啊!因此,闻先生的孤愤高吟 长歌当哭,就更容易引发我们的共鸣同感了。有时候,我甚至感觉到:在闻先生的灵魂里就活着一个屈原,他好像就是屈原的化身。

且说我那天来到了行吟阁畔,东湖两岸,积雪茫茫,素裹红装,江山如画,四顾无人,万籁俱寂,连几里外水鸟振翅的声音都听得到。我参观过屈原纪念馆之后,又在矗立湖滨的屈原像前凭吊一番。我仿佛看到这位项上挂着花环 腰间佩着长剑 足下穿着芒鞋的古代诗人,披发伫立,蹙额低吟:“瞻前而顾后兮,相观民之计极。夫孰非义而可用兮,孰非善而可服!”我又仿佛看到穿着破旧的长袍 飘拂着长髯 背着双手的闻一多先生,昂首仰天,血脉偾张,作狮子吼:“有一句话说出就是祸,有一句话能点着火,别看五千年没有说破,你猜想透火山的缄默?说不定是突然着了魔,突然青天里一个霹雳,爆一声:‘咱们的中国!’”后来这两个形象就合而为一,何者是屈原,何者为闻先生,我都分不清楚了。

我无意以古人喻后人,以后人比古人,但一接触到与屈原有关的事物,总是情不自禁地联想起闻一多先生的风貌。的确,他们虽然相隔两千多年,但无论是对人民的热爱,对祖国的忠贞,还是斗志的坚强,死事的壮烈,都是颇有些相似的。因此,漫游之余,我又忽生遐想:闻先生是湖北人,且曾几度寓居武昌,假如在行吟阁上,屈原馆中,另辟一室,陈列先生的衣冠遗物 著作手稿以及金石创作,使这古今两位伟大的受国诗人相得益彰,也许不见得是毫无意义的事情吧。作为一个景仰闻一多先生的学生,我是殷切地期望着的。














Before you speak to any audience, you should learn as much about its members as possible. Only in that way can you best adapt the level of your language and the content of your talk to your listeners.

41. Speaking to someone you know well.__________

Where are you likely to speak Certainly, in this class you’ll give several talks, and since you know most, if not all, of the students, you should face no major problems in adapting your approach to them. Another speaking possibility exists in your workplace.

A third speaking possibility exists in any organization (social, cultural, athletic, and so on) that you belong to. You may be asked to speak at the next meeting or at the annual banquet. Here again, you know the people involved, their background, their education level, and their attitudes, and that’s a tremendous advantage for you. Since we’re upbeat and positive in this course, we’ll assume that you’ve given successful talks under all three circumstances, and with this course under your belt, you can do it again. Since good speakers are hard to find and word about them travels fast, suppose that one day you get an invitation to speak to an organization in which you don’t know a soul. What do you do now If you feel able to handle the topic you’re asked to speak on, accept this rare challenge. Here’s where audience analysis comes into play. Be sure to ask the person who invited you for information on the members, information that encompasses a broad spectrum, such as in the following areas.

42. How old are your listeners

43. Sex composition of your listeners.

44. Interest in topic.__________

45. Interests or hobbies of the listeners.__________

[A] If you’re invited to speak to a women’s or men’s organization, you know the answer to this question at once. Quite often, however, audiences are mixed fairly evenly, although at times one sex may predominate.

[B] Do members of your prospective audience spend evenings watching TV movies and drinking beer at a local tavern, or do they read the Harvard Classics and attend concerts of Beethoven and Mozart Do they play bingo and 21, or do they pursue the questions the intriguing intricacies of contract bridge and chess Answers to these questions can help you choose the most appropriate material and language for your audience. Your choices can be crucial in determining the success or failure of your presentation.

[C] Are the members recent college graduates, senior citizens, or business executives in midcareer Just remember, age exerts a powerful impact on people’s attitudes, values and motivations.

[D] For example, your department manager may ask you to explain and demonstrate a procedure to some fellow employee. Or she may select you to address your department on behalf of the local blood donor drive. In both speech situations—in class and on the job—you’re familiar with your audience; you speak their language; you have things in common with them.

[E] Are you aware of the educational background of your audience How many of them have doctoral degrees, master degrees or bachelor degrees This will decide what kind of language you should adopt and how much they can understand.

[F] Are the members of the organization interested in the topic or are they required to attend regardless of their interest If the latter is true, what types of material will most likely pique their curiosity

