An American soldier had called his parents before he returned
from a war.He told his parents that a friend of his whom the war
c________him an arm and a leg would come to live 1.________
with them.His parents________(设法) to persuade 2.________
him to stop that foolish idea,________(说) 3.________
"Someone like him would________a terrible 4.________
burden on us.Just come home and forget about this
guy.He will find a way to live on his________." 5.________
The son h________up the telephone.A few days 6.________
later,the parents received a call from the San Francisco
police.They i________that their son had killed 7.________
________.The poor parents hurried to the spot, 8.________
but couldn't b________their own eyes that their son 9.________
was lying________(死) on the ground,with only 10.________
one arm and one leg.