问题 单项选择题

















材料一: 2009 年l 月8 日国家发展和改革委员会公布《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要(2008 一2020 年)》 ,给了珠三角新的战略定位,广东省委、省政府要求珠三角各地、各部门大力调整优化生产力布局和结构,推动区域经济加快战略转型,打造珠三角成为世界先进制造业和现代服务业基地。2009 年3 月,国务院发布了《关于发挥科技支撑作用促进经济平稳较快发展的意见》 ,要求各省要发挥科技在力促经济转型中的支撑作用。材料二: 党中央提出协调的战略任务后,广东省政府召开了一次不同地区、各个级别干部参加的座谈会。座谈会上,干部们针对如何协调发展问题发表了各自的看法。




(1)请运用《文化生活》 的知识谈谈国务院出台《 关于发挥科技支撑作用促进经济平稳较快发展的意见》 的重要性。(6分)

(2)结合《 政治生活》 的有关知识,分析说明广东省政府促进协调发展的必要性。(12分)(3)运用唯物辩证法有关知识对几位干部的发言进行评析。(12分)




The Pecan (山核桃) Thief

When I was six years old, I was visiting my grandfather’s farm in Kansas. Grandpa had sent me into the 36 to gather pecans for us to enjoy later.

Pecan picking was really 37 work and my little basket was only half full. I wasn’t about to 38 Grandpa down. Just then something caught my 39. A large brown squirrel was a few feet away. I watched as he picked up a pecan, hurried to a tree and 40 in a large hole in the trunk. A moment later the squirrel 41 out and climbed down to the ground to pick up another nut. Once again, he took the pecan back to his hiding place.

The hiding place was not so 42 anymore, I thought. I dashed over to the tree and looked into the hole. It was 43 with pecans! Golden pecans were right there for taking. This was my 44. Handful by handful, I scooped all of those pecans into my basket. Now it was full! I was so 45 of myself. I couldn’t wait to show Grandpa all the pecans. 46, I ran back and shouted, “Look at all the pecans!” He looked into the basket and said, “Well, well, how did you find so many?” I told him how I’d 47 the squirrel and taken the pecans from his hiding place.

Grandpa congratulated me on how smart I’d been in observing the squirrel and his habits. Then he did something that 48 me. He handed the basket back to me and put his arm gently 49 my shoulders.

“That squirrel worked very hard to gather his winter 50 of food,” he said, “Now that all of his pecans are gone, don’t you think that little squirrel will 51 the cold winter?”

“I didn’t think about that,” I said.

“I know,” Grandpa said. “But a good man should never take 52 of someone else’s hard work.”

Suddenly I felt a bit 53. The image of the starving squirrel wouldn’t 54 my mind. There was only one thing I could do. I carried the basket back to the tree and poured all the nuts into the hole.

I didn’t eat an pecan that night, but I had something much more filling — the 55 of knowing I had done just the right thing.

36. A. rooms                 B. woods                      C. holes                        D. roads

37. A. hard                   B. dirty                        C. light                        D. easy

38. A. let                      B. settle                        C. have                        D. keep

39. A. sweater               B. basket                      C. eye                          D. hand

40. A. joined                 B. lived                        C. discovered                D. disappeared

41. A. jumped               B. held                         C. stood                       D. found

42. A. strange               B. secret                       C. anxious                    D. patient

43. A. covered              B. filled                       C. rebuilt                      D. decorated

44. A. turn             B. choice               C. chance              D. achievement

45. A. afraid                 B. ashamed                   C. careful                     D. proud

46. A. Otherwise           B. However                  C. Besides                    D. Therefore

47. A. driven                B. followed                  C. protected                  D. caught

48. A. annoyed              B. satisfied                   C. surprised                  D. delighted

49. A. off                     B. besides                     C. over                         D. around

50. A. supply                B. cost                         C. price                        D. quality

51. A. escape                B. get                           C. survive                     D. fled

52. A. place                  B. notice                      C. advantage                 D. charge

53. A. guilty                 B. curious                     C. happy                      D. excited

54. A. open                   B. leave                        C. cross                        D. close

55. A. inspiration          B. expectation               C. impression                D. satisfaction