Questions 41-45 · Read the memo and notes below. · Complete the form below. · Write a word, phrase (in CAPPITAL LETTERS) or number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet.MEMO TO: Shirley Tang From: Sue Hill Here are some notes I have taken concerning a training course which the company wishes to organize. I should be grateful if you could transfer the details to the appropriate form. Advanced Training Course, 27-30 April, to be held at Head Office. Aspects/Problems/Issues of Product Development precise title to be announced later but general subject title OK for now. Already 21 staff have indicated wish to attend, but this number is too large. So the total number must be cut down by 9. Conference Room will be too big, but Board Room should be ideal.TRAINING COURSE Commencement Date: (41) ______ Duration:(42) ______ Location. Building: Head Office Room:(43) ______ Maximum Number of Participants: (44) ______ Subject: (45) ______
材料一 1851年伦敦举办第一届世界工业产品博览会。在博览会期间,最受参观者瞩目的展品是蒸汽机、水力印刷机、纺织机械等技术型产品。
材料二 1854~1856年间,英国进出口贸易中,三种类型商品所占份额图。
材料三 为了纪念独立100周年,1876年美国在费城举办了世界博览会,博览会会址建立了一个火车站,并建有通往各地的有轨电车线,突出交通设施建设成果。1904年在美国圣路易斯举办世博会,展出了飞机和无线电。
材料四 1851年,上海英商,获金银大奖。1904年美国圣路易斯举办的世博会上,中国馆的展品是中国传统的农产品、手工业品和工艺品,汇聚了各种各样富有中华特色的游艺戏院、一间佛殿、一间茶室、一个东方美食园。