A张骞 B岳飞 C郑成功 D戚继光
中国证监会的某证券监管派出机构于2007年5月在对A上市公司进行例行检查时,发现该公司存在以下事实: (1)A公司报送的2006年年度报告显示:截止2006年12月31日,该公司经审计的合并会计报表净资产总额为26888万元。 (2)A公司报送的2006年年度报告仅披露了持股5%以上(含5%)的股东共计8人情况,而未披露其他股东的情况。 (3)2007年3月,公司依赖于进口的主要原材料国际市场价格大幅上涨,A公司没有以临时报告的方式披露该事件;同年4月,A公司召开的董事会根据经理的提议,解聘了公司财务负责人工某的职务,该信息也未以临时报告的方式披露。 要求:根据本题所述内容,分别回答下列问题: (1)A公司在年度报告中披露的股东人数是否符合规定并说明理由。 (2)根据上市公司临时报告信息披露的有关规定,A公司是否应当以临时报告的方式披露原材料国际市场价格大幅上涨的信息和解聘王某的信息并分别说明理由。
During the Olympic Games, people from all over the world come together in peace and friendship. The first Olympic Games that we have (21) of were in Greece in 776 B.C. The games lasted one day. The only (22) in the first thirteen Olympic Games was a race. Men ran the length of the stadium. In 1896 the games were (23) again in Athens, Greece. The Greeks (24) a new stadium for the competition. 311 (25) from thirteen countries (26) in many events. The (27) became national heroes. After 1896, the games were held every four years during the summer in different cities around the (28) . In 1908, in London, England, the first gold (29) were given to winning athletes. The Olympic Winter Games (30) in 1924 in Chamonix, France. Athletes competed in (31) events such as skiing, ice skating and ice hockey. Today the Winter Games take place (32) four years. Until recently, Olympic competitors could not be (33) athletes. All of the athletes in the Olympic Games were amateurs. Today, (34) , many of the Olympic athletes are professionals who play their sports (35) money during the year. Some people disagree with this idea.