下列各组词语中没有错别字的一组是[ ]
A、发轫 婆娑 摇曳 黄沙弥漫
B、嬉笑 援例 涸辙 坐壁上观
C、尺牍 搓商 孤僻 屏息以待
D、蕴籍 锱铢 趋附 命途多舛
Thank you very much for your letter. I pleased to hear 小题1:__________
about your holiday and the people you meet in Rome. It 小题2:___________
sounded great fun and how I wish I could have been with 小题3:__________
you. Thank you also for the stamps you sent them to me 小题4:__________
for my collection. Most of them were those I had 小题5:___________
been expecting for long. You said by your letter that 小题6:__________
you wish to have some photos of me. Sorry to tell you, 小题7:_____________
I have little photos good enough to send to others. 小题8:_____________
Yet I will send you a photo of your family. Please 小题9:__________
write soon and tell me what you are getting on with 小题10:____________
your college life.
Best wishes.