问题 问答题 案例分析题

材料一:为庆祝新中国成立60周年,推动爱国主义教育活动广泛深入开展,中央决定在全国范围内开展由群众评选“100位为新中国成立作出贡献的英雄模范人物和100位新中国成立以来感动中国人物”活动(简称“新中国‘双百’人物评选活动”) 材料二:今年“十一”长假8天,北京环卫集团在 * * 地区收集各类垃圾220吨,与去年“十一”黄金周 * * 地区垃圾收集量38.75吨相比,增加了4倍多。垃圾的产生与许多游人的不文明行为密切相关。






Psychologists once believed that the motive that caused men to strive to attain high-level managerial positions was the "need for achievement". But now they believe it is the "need for power".
Power seekers strive hard to reach positions where they can exercise authority over large numbers of people. (46) Individual performers who lack this drive are not likely to advance far up the managerial ladder. They usually scorn company politics and devote their energies to other types of activities. The power game is part of management, and it is played best by those who enjoy it most.
(47) One of the least rational acts of business organizations is that of hiring managers who have a high need to exercise authority, and then teaching them that authoritative methods are wrong and that they should be consultative or participative. (48) It is a serious mistake to teach managers that they should adopt styles that are inconsistent with their unique personalities. Yet this is precisely what a large number of business organizations are doing; and it explains, in part, why their management development programs are not effective.
(49) What managerial aspirants should be taught is how to exercise their authority in a way that is appropriate to the situation and the people involved. They need to learn that the real source of their power is their own knowledge and skill, and the strength of their own personalities, not the authority conferred on them by their positions. When they lack the knowledge or skill required to perform the work, they need to know how to share their authority. (50) But when they know what has to be done and have the skill and personality to get it done, they must exercise their traditional authority in whatever way is necessary.