问题 单项选择题

You are assigned as the project manager to a project which is executed for a customer under FP contract. Your customer informed you this morning that they insist on certain "refinements" of the project scope. You agree that the requested actions make really sense to the project, but believe that they constitute a major change increasing the project scope. What should you do next

A) Accept the request of the customer. Diligently document the additional costs and working hours spent by yourself and the team on the implementation of the change and invoice these to the customer at appropriate rates.
B) Perform earned value analysis to assess the current status of the project and get all the numbers you need to communicate the case to the change control board which then will have to make the best decision regarding the customer request.
C) Check the contract, the project charter, the scope statement and other documents related to the project and the contract. Assess the impacts of the scope change. Then discuss the situation with the project sponsor and the change control board.
D) Talk to the project sales department and find a joint solution with them how to best reject the request considering the commercial and strategic value of the customer to the organization you are working for.



解析: 你被指派为某项目的项目经理,这个项目使用的是固定总价合同。你的客户今天早上通知你他们坚决要确定项目范围的细节。你同意这个请求对项目是有益的,你相信他们会提供一个变更请求来增加项目范围。接下来你应该做什么
A) 接受客户的请求,认真记录你自己和团队执行这个变更所花费的额外的成本和工作时间,并向客户收取合适的费用。
B) 执行实现值分析评估项目当前状态,把所有数据提供给变更控制委员会以便他们对客户的请求作出最好的决策。
C) 检查合同、项目章程、范围说明书以及其他与项目和合同相关的文档,评估范围变更的影响,与变更控制委员会和发起人讨论。
D) 与项目销售部门进行交流,通过考虑你公司和客户的商业和战略价值,找到最好的拒绝请求的方案。
