问题 材料题


材料一 那时候,到处一片荒凉景象。牲畜奇缺,皇帝出门,都找不到四匹毛色一样的马来拉车,将相只能乘牛车。大城市户口不到原来的十分之二三。汉高祖路过一个县,先前有三万多户,现只剩下五千户,他还称道这个地方繁盛。

材料二 汉初,一批有识之士经常对汉高祖提出忠告,有人曾说:”居马上得之,宁可以马上治之乎?”刘邦认为他言之有理,便让他写出书来。













A. Practice speaking as often as you can-even speaking to yourself is good practice.Try recording

yourself whenever you can.

B. It helps if you can learn with someone else.If you can persuade a friend or family member to study

with you, it will make you keep working.Agree times to meet and set goals for the week.And test each

other regularly.

C. Practice improvising (即兴的) ways of getting your meaning across, even if you don't know the exact

words or phrases.Think of things you might want to say whenever you have time.An example is the use

of tenses.Use facial expressions, hand movements, anything to get your meaning across.

D. Guesswork is important in learning a new language.When listening to recorded material, you aren't

expected to understand everything the first round.If you play the same piece several times, you will most

probably understand something new each time.Learn to make maximum (最大限度) use of all the clues (提示) you can pick up.

E. A wide vocabulary is the key to successful language learning, but don't try to learn too much

vocabulary at once.

F. If you are the person on the bus, street or restaurant asking how you can improve your English, you

are on the right track.The only way to improve your speaking is by speaking.Don't worry about a bad

accent or forgetting words or not being understood.


1. Jack's vocabulary is very small.He is very anxious to improve his English.Therefore, he wants to

enlarge his vocabulary in a short time and tries his best to memorize new words as many as possible at a


2. Margret's pronunciation is poor.And she doesn't know how to improve her pronunciation.She is very

worried and doesn't know what to do.

3. Alice has difficulty in understanding the meaning of the English text.So she looks up the new words in

the dictionary in order to understand everything.However, she made little progress in English.

4. Although Peter wants to communicate with people on the bus when he is on the way home, he is

afraid of being laughed at because of his poor accent.

5. Lynne can't express herself clearly in English because she sometimes forgets some key words and

doesn't know the tenses exactly.