问题 问答题 案例分析题


材料一:李克强 * * 在2014年《政府工作报告》中指出:要深入推进行政体制改革,进一步简政放权,这是政府的自我革命。“简政放权”的重点是要正确“定位”政府的角色,既要避免“越位”,又要弥补“缺位”,把该放的权力放掉,把该管的事务管好。今年我国政府要深化投资审批制度改革,再取消和下放行政审批事项2OO项以上,充分落实企业投资自主权,推进投资创业便利化。





1.充分发挥中 * * 党总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用,要审时度势、统筹规划,全面深化各领域改革。





本题实现限定不明确,行为主体明确中 * * 党,题目类型措施类,问题指向全面深化改革发挥党的领导作用。关于中 * * 党措施类题目,包括充分发挥中 * * 党总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用;坚持科学执政、民主执政、依法执政;坚持以人为本、执政为民;发挥党员干部的先锋模范作用,带领社会各界群众攻坚克难,不断深化改革。然后结合深化改革进行分析,即要审时度势、统筹规划,全面深化各领域改革;加强党的先进性、纯洁性建设,不断提高与时俱进的执政能力和领导水平;深入落实科学发展观,践行党的群众路线,使改革发展成果更多惠及全体人民;发挥党员干部的先锋模范作用,带领社会各界群众攻坚克难,不断深化改革。


     Have you ever seen any students whose trousers hang so low that you can see their underwear?
What do you think of that? Fashionable? Some of today's teenagers are big fans of such a look.   1  
     The headmaster of a school in central Italy has asked students to stop wearing low-rise jeans that
expose underwear and parts of the body. His request came after a class trip, when he saw one boy's
baggy trousers slide to his feet.     2  
But in Italy, a nation that takes fashion very seriously, the suggestion caused a debate among parents,
teachers and students. The issue is whether the headmaster's request will limit students' freedom- or
whether dress in Italian schools is too casual.
       3    ."We do not want to kick fashion out," the headmaster explained, "but extrems (极端) of fashion
like this are not right in school." Many other schools have now requested that their students also stop
wearing such trousers.
       4   . Ludovica Gaudio, 14, wore extremely low trousers exposing orange underwear in class. It was
cold, so she wore a matching orange scarf.  5   "I don't really feel comfortable in those sort of jeans," said Sarah Lattanzi, "in winter, when dressed like that, it's quite cold and I am afraid my stomach will ache."
A. But recently this trend has been at the center of an argument in Italian middle schools.
B. A parents' group praised the move in favor of good taste, while others advised schools
     to stop worrying about fashion and fix up old school buildings.
C. He pointed out that this way of dressing is not suitable for school.
D. Most students have simply ignored the request
E. Another 14-year-old said she would probably respect the request, simply for practical reasons
F. Let us see that Italian students react differently to schools' requests
G. Schools should pay attention to things more important than students' clothes