古人讲“修身齐家治国平天下”,就把修身做人摆在人生第一位。再如“太上有三不朽”—立德立功立言,也把做人看成是人生根本大事。作为中 * * 社会良心、智慧化身的知识分子,历来就有忧国忧民、刚健自强、不屈不挠、经世治国的优良品质。孔子誉之为“士志于道”。历史上从曾参的“士不可以不弘毅”,到李膺的“欲以天下致是非为己任”;从陈藩的“澄清天下之志”,到顾炎武的“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”,都可以看到那种“为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平”的风骨精神和人格力量,其对国家民族和对自己人生负责的精神脉络清晰可见,且历千年而不绝。 这段文字意在说明( )。
Taking your dog on vacation may have been (36) a decade ago, but today it’s flee. (37) the pet-friendly hotel, where dogs are just part of the family, the Loews Miami Beach has had more than 1,200 (38) guests so far this year. Dogs, like kids, stay free there. A lot of people just want to travel with their animals, so the hotel (39) guests to come with their pets. The hotel has a special (40) for them from the time they enter the door till the time they leave. There are flesh grapes by the pool for the discerning dog and a cup of ice cubes for the hot dog. And don’t forget the special doggie dinner menu. The hotel kitchen (41) to canines as well as their masters. The most popular dog dish is a (42) of beef, vegetables and rice. It’s really great. (43) , the people food is even better. (44) . Some of them don’t have children, and the dogs may fill that gap for them. (45) . But what pet wouldn’t want to be welcomed back to a welcome meal that includes an all-beef hamburger bone (46) .