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“Four Tigers” Ceremony of the Tu Minority

Heigouding Village, Ledu County in the west of Qinghai province is a place where many people of the Tu minority have lived for centuries. As the little village is comparatively closed to the outside world, a custom called “Four Tigers” was created 200 years ago to protect its inhabitants(栖息地) from sickness and bad luck.

Every year the ceremony is held on the eve of January 15th according to the Chinese lunar calendar to frighten off ghosts and evil souls, and to pray for peace.

Normally four local villagers are selected to be the “tigers” in the ceremony. At first, they gathered with village elders at the mountain-god temple to offer sacrifices of wine, food and incense, and to ask the god to help the tigers. Then the tigers were adorned with herbs, candles and two batches of incense to serve as the tiger’s ears. Two red ribbons held in their mouths represented the tiger’s tongue. The “Tigers” drank wine, knelt and kowtowed to the mountain god before they received Hada, a kind of white silk scarf representing respects and good luck, from the village head with firecrackers crackling.

As night fell, the candles on the tigers’ bodies were lit and the tigers began their visits to one household after another. Villagers followed, shouting “Tigers are coming!” The elder from each household welcomed the tigers at the gate, while the rest of the family knelt down in the courtyard. Firecrackers were set off, a toast made and candies, meat and wine were presented to the villagers following the tigers. After twirling (快速转动)in three circles in the courtyard while those present kowtowed and prayed, the tigers went through every corner of every room to drive away any hiding ghosts. If there was a sick person in the house, the tigers jumped around him or her, scratched their body and said lucky words to drive away diseases and ghosts. After the ceremony, the family would present wine and food to the tigers. Then, shouting “The tigers are leaving!” the whole family saw them off.

After visiting all 30 or 40 households, the herbs were removed from the tigers and burned, to indicate that all the ghosts had been conquered. Then the villagers knelt and kowtowed with the sound of firecrackers, marking the end of the ceremony.

The tiger image exists in other minority groups, also. In ancient times, people entrusted their happiness to gods. The “four tigers” ceremony is vividly held in memory of ancient times and a living fossil for academics studying the lives of ancient people. As it is not popular nowadays, this cultural heritage is on the edge of extinction and needs to be rescued.




     (1)①距离我不远的一只松鼠正在柔和的光线下伸出前爪来洗脸。②如果不是亲眼所见,真难以想像松鼠洗脸的动作跟小猫相似。③在这个静谧的峡谷中,似乎只有它能够嗅到 香甜的阳光味道,揽起那橘黄的光芒若掬水一般,轻涤着面颊和脖颈。④阳光移位了,它也向前两步,然后蹿到更加向阳的一块山石上,两颗黑豆一样的眼珠左一转右一转。⑤它时而叫唤一声,时而又把远远大它身躯的一束尾巴翘起来竖得很高。⑥在刚刚走出冬季的早春,我每天清晨都遇见它。⑦当我沿着一条蜿蜒小路攀上这面坡地时,它已经蹲坐在那里 了。⑧随即我们便一同面向太阳,迎接那从渤海上空照射过来的第一缕霞光。

     (2)在温泉堡这个村子的山峡中,每天清晨,似乎我都和这只松鼠有一个美丽的约会。 其实只要站在这面坡地上细细观察,无论是在灌木丛中还是在低矮的橡树旁边,无论是在崖 缝之间还是在茅草的掩映之下,都会发现一只又一只它的同伴。它们个个都非常机敏,跑起 来十分迅捷。而我总是毫不声张地走上山岗,它们能窥见我,我也能瞥见它们。

     (3)像这样,一只松鼠和我,一起跟早晨相约、跟太阳相约,一大清早我们便在大自 然的怀抱里净面净心,我们都属于自然。落脚于自然界、每个生命都是自然的宠儿,都有一 个清纯而真诚的灵魂来领略大自然赋予我们的宁静。 

     (4)每当九点钟过后,阳光的金线就会从对面的山顶上编织过来,两山之间便会架起 一座明亮的桥梁,而在“桥”上尽兴游眷的行人竟是那些在北方过冬的鸟雀飞禽。看那环 状起伏的褐色山脊多像一把凝固的竖琴。每天早晨阳光都要在两山之间拉上金色琴弦。那飞 行的鸟儿时而穿过,就化做琴弦上荡来荡去自由起落的音符。它们把畅快的乐曲跌落在峡谷 之中。而这时捡拾到乐音的,定是一颗没有纷扰,没有忧愁,在漩涡里保持平衡而又静止的 心。在北方的早春,在绿色尚未铺地之前,一切生命都是躁动的,火热的,然而它们又总是 含蓄的。

     (5)寄身于温泉堡的山峡,每个早晨都这样开始。当我踏上山坡见太阳升起,天地间 的那颗心就会由衷充满热爱:爱自然,爱那陌生的人群,爱我的爱人。此时会有一个无言的 声音让你忘记那些愁苦的境遇、人生中的不幸。

1、(1)段①一③句描写的内容是                                            ,③句运用了                         的修辞方法。









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