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李克强 * * 代表国务院作政府工作报告时阐释了政府2014年工作重点:深入推进 * * 倡廉制度建设,对任何腐败分子都要依法严惩、绝不姑息;重组食药监管机构,深入开展食药安全整治;积极稳妥地改革考试招生制度,贫困地区农村学生上重点高校人数要再增长10%以上;城镇新增就业1000万人以上,城镇登记失业率控制在4.6%以内;以雾霾频发的特大城市为重点,以PM2.5和PM10治理为突破口,努力建设生态文明的美好家园。




①政府具有保障人民民主和维护国家长治久安的职能。政府推进 * * 倡廉制度建设,严惩腐败分子,推进社会主义民主法制建设。





本题知识限定明确,政府职能,题目类型体现类。由于本题知识切入点较为狭窄,解读材料一一对应关于政府的四项职能即可,即政府推进 * * 倡廉制度建设,严惩腐败分子,推进社会主义民主法制建设,体现政府具有保障人民民主和维护国家长治久安的职能;政府开展食药安全整治,重组食药监管机构,维护药品市场的安全和市场秩序的正常运行,体现政府具有组织社会主义经济建设的职能;政府改革考试招生制度,促进国家教育事业发展,体现政府具有组织社会主义文化建设的职能;政府完善就业机制,保障人们充分就业,采取措施治理污染,创造良好的生态环境,体现政府具有提供社会公共服务的职能。



Many people consider the wider use of biofuels a promising way of reducing the amount of surplus carbon dioxide (CO2) being pumped into the air by the world’s mechanized transport. The theory is that plants such as sugar cane, maize (corn, to Americans), oilseed rape and wheat take up CO2 during their growth, so burning fuels made from them should have no net effect on the amount of that gas in the atmosphere.

Theory, though, does not always translate into practice, and just as governments have committed themselves to the greater use of biofuels, questions are being raised about how green this form of energy really is. The latest comes from the International Council for Science (ICSU) based in Paris.

The ICSU report concludes that, so far, the production of biofuels has aggravated rather than ameliorated global warming. In particular, it supports some controversial findings published in 2007 by Paul Crutzen of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Germany. Dr. Crutzen concluded that most analyses had underestimated the importance to global warming of a gas called nitrous oxide (N2O). The amount of this gas released by farming biofuel crops such as maize and rape probably negates by itself any advantage offered by reduced emissions of CO2.

Although N2O is not common in the Earth’s atmosphere, it is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 and it hangs around longer. The result is that, over the course of a century, its ability to warm the planet is almost 300 times that of an equivalent mass of CO2.

N2O is made by bacteria that live in soil and water and, these days, their raw material is often the nitrogen-rich fertiliser that modern farming requires. Since the 1960s the amount of fertiliser used by farmers has increased sixfold, and not all of that extra nitrogen ends up in their crops. Maize, in particular, is described by experts in the field as a “nitrogen-leaky” plant because it has shallow roots and takes up nitrogen for only a few months of the year. This would make maize (which is one of the main sources of biofuel) a particularly bad contributor to global N2O emissions.

But it is not just biofuels that are to blame. The ICSU report suggests N2O emissions in general are probably more important than had been realised. Previous studies, including those by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations-appointed body of experts, may have miscalculated their significance — and according to Adrian Williams of Cranfield University, in Britain, even the IPCC’s approach suggests that the global-warming potential of most of Britain’s annual crops is dominated by N2O emissions.

Scientists realize that maize()

A. contributes little to global N2O emissions

B. absorbs nitrogen very efficiently in crops

C. is largely responsible for the surplus N2O

D. may experience a bad harvest for bacteria
