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2015年10月16日,2015减贫与发展高层论坛在北京人民大会堂举行。国家 * * 习 * * 出席论坛并发表题为《携手消除贫困,促进共同发展》的主旨演讲。

材料一:习 * * 强调,全面小康是全体中国人民的小康,不能出现有人掉队。未来5年,我们将使中国现有标准下7000多万贫困人口全部脱贫。中国将大幅增加扶贫投入,出台更多惠及贫困地区、贫困人口的政策措施,在扶贫攻坚工作中实施精准扶贫方略。为此,我们应用好扶贫资金,保障好人民群众的根本利益。

材料二:习 * * 强调,消除贫困是人类的共同使命。中国在致力于自身消除贫困的同时,始终积极展开南南合作,支持和帮助广大发展中国家特别是最不发达国家消除贫困。中国积极向亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比地区、大洋洲的69个国家提供医疗援助,先后为120多个发展中国家落实千年发展目标提供帮助。对此习 * * 提出倡议,着力加快全球减贫进程,着力加强减贫发展合作,着力实现多元自主可持续发展,着力改善国际发展环境,为共建一个没有贫困、共同发展的人类命运共同体而不懈奋斗。







Beyond question, Clinton was supposed to close up, stay out of sight, and avoid second- guessing his wife’s boss. After his ego blustered into oncoming traffic during Hillary’s heated primary race (1) Obama, the nation suffered from yet another turn of Clinton fatigue.

(2) this week Bill Clinton showed an instinct for robust, inclusive leadership that the (3) White House occupant could make good use of right for the time being. With President Obama struggling to (4) the political damage from the Gulf oil spill, Clinton not only can’t help himself—he’s worth being listened.

The conventional-wisdom (5) on President Obama’s early reaction to the spill was (6) he didn’t emote enough. He didn’t feel the (7) of all those people in the crisis whose livelihood would be destroyed, whose clean waters and wildlife would be (8) in black gunk.

Clinton considers this is an unfair (9) but offers a different—and more pointed— lesson to his young successor. "I think we ought to (10) in the same boat for a while... Let’s just (11) the problem, and then we can hold everybody responsible and emote or not emote, " Clinton conversed (12) CNN Anchor Wolf Blitzer.

Obama’s first (13) after the oil spill was to "feel the blame" rather than "feel the pain, " which are pretty sarcastic words as it were. No one intends to let British Petroleum (BP) management (14) the hook—for dangerously cutting corners, and for a (15) safety record. However, the President’s (16) focus on scolding BP consumed (17) White House energy while the oil gushed.

Great leaders don’t rush to criticise; Instead they instinctively (18) solutions. Rudy Giuliani, who didn’t stop to blame (19) intelligence for letting it happen, stood out from New York mayor with a girlfriend problem to 9/11 hero when he took control of a crisis and instilled confidence that a ravaged city could (20) beyond a terrorist attack.




