问题 多项选择题







参考答案:B, C

We eat food to get energy, so we should eat when we feel hungry. But do we really eat only when we are hungry? No, we sometimes eat even when we’re not hungry, and this causes overeating ----eating too much. But overeating can do a lot of harm , as it can cause obesity(肥胖)that can cause heart problems and other illnesses.
There are many common reasons that make us eat too much.
Meeting friends may be good for our social life, but it can also be one of the main reasons for overeating. We usually pay no attention to our health when we meet with friends.
Moods such as anger, sadness, happiness ,fear are the most common ones that make us eat food to help us feel better .
Busy lifestyles can have an effect on our eating habits .We start eating too quickly just to save time , as a result ,we eat more than our body’s requirement . When we eat meals or snacks too fast, our brain takes some time to realize that it’s full, and of course it results in overeating.
Temperature plays a very important role in deciding our food habitat In winters, we usually have warm or hot drinks like coffee, tea, hot chocolate and heavy meals to keep ourselves warm . In summers , we have ice dreams ,desserts and other drinks .These foods with the regular food add to calorie and lead to overeating .
Supermarkets have lots of attractive offers to get us to buy things that we may or may not need .There is no doubt we love eating and when we are served with our favourite food , we act like we have never seen food before .
We have always been taught to finish everything that is on the plate .So, even when we start feeling full , we keep on eating till our plate is empty or till we stop feeling guilty about wasting food .
How to control how much you put in your stomach ? here are some ways .
Use smaller plates and tall, skinny glasses. It seems that there is more food on the plate and more to drink in the glass. Smaller serving containers(容器)help stop you from putting much food and drink .
Make the sweets and other snacks out of reach . Get the candy dish off your desk and set out a bowl of fruit instead .
Don’t overeat
___小题1:_that is caused by overeating
Overeating can cause obesity and some illnesses.
Common ___小题2:___ of overeating
*When we eat with our friends, we eat too much ___小题3:___paying attention to our health.
* When we __小题4:____ from different moods, we often turn to food to feel better.
* Busy lifestyles can __小题5:____our eating habits. We eat too fast to save time.
* Because of temperatures in different __小题6:_____, we have some food that adds to calorie.
* Attractive offers in the supermarkets make us buy and eat our ___小题7:____food.
* We don’t __小题8:____ eating until the plate is empty.
__小题9:___to control overeating
*Don’t use __小题10:_____ serving containers when you eat food or drink.
*Don’t make it easy to eat the unhealthy food.