问题 多项选择题







参考答案:C, D



     Preparing for a medical emergency involving your pet is always best accomplished before the event takes place. This series is designed to help guide you through the important decisions about first aid, as well as how and when to transport your pet quickly and safely to a veterinary hospital or emergency ability.

     VeterinaryPartner.com has provided this complete reference book online for you to skim through, expanding your knowledge of dog and cat first aid.However, we encourage you to buy the book to keep in your home or car as a quick reference during an emergency.

      This book is an emergency preparedness readyreference for dogs and cats. Wise preventive measures, intelligent use of first aid principles, coupled with recognition of abnormal symptoms and treatment of disorders, diseases, and problems, lead to effective health care.

      A working knowledge of this information will help you get rid of some potentially dangerous circumstances and help you prepare for emergency situations.

      It includes information on what to do and what not to do in specific emergency situations. The authors encourage careful reading and occasional rereading. We have tried to make this book easy to understand, avoiding technical terms as often as possible, but defining them in context when they are necessary.

1.What's the purpose of this passage?

A.To introduce a book, a reference about first aid for dogs and cats.

B.To introduce a website.

C.To introduce a working knowledge.

D.To encourage careful reading.

2.Why are we advised to buy the book?

A.Because it's very cheap.

B.Because it contains a working knowledge of information about dogs and cats.

C.Because it contains information on specific emergency situations.

D.Because you can keep it at hand and find knowledge of dog or cat first aid in case of an emergency.

3.Which is NOT true about the book?

A.It can enlarge the readers' knowledge of dog and cat first aid.

B.It contains the knowledge of recognition of abnormal symptoms of dogs and cats.

C.Although it contains possible technical terms, it is easy to understand.

D.You can read it on VeterinaryPartner.com.

4.What does the underlined word "veterinary" mean in Paragraph 1?






案情:郑某结婚后经常受其丈夫王某虐待和殴打,并且发现王某经常酒后持刀在邻里间寻衅滋事,受到邻里唾骂,经常劝说仍不改正。王某还扬言:郑如果离婚,就杀死郑某和郑某娘家的全家人,致使郑某不敢离婚。2004年10月14日凌晨3时许,王某酗酒后卡住郑某的脖子进行殴打。见郑某进行反抗,王某便从厨房拿出菜刀砍郑某,郑某闪身躲开,顺手从门后拿一挖镢把打在王某的头部,王某当即坐地,头部血流不止。此时,郑某问王某: “你酒劲醒后饶我不饶”王某回答: “看老子饶你不饶。”郑某遂从厨房找出塑料绳套在王某的颈部,将其勒至窒息,后惟恐其不死,又找来一节铁丝拧在王某的脖子上。尔后将王某的尸体拖至厨房后墙处用柴草等物掩盖。后邻居报案后,郑某被抓获。该案经A市公安局侦查终结后,于2005年2月6日,移送人民检察院审查起诉。2月16日,某检察人员开始对此案进行审查,并同时通知犯罪嫌疑人郑某有权委托辩护人辩护。郑某的父母早就去世,唯一的亲人就是自己的姑姑,但是郑某不愿意给姑姑增加负担,因此没有委托律师。鉴于此,A市人民检察院便指定了一名负有法律援助义务的胡律师为其辩护。在审查起诉过程中,胡律师提出要复印公安局制作的起诉意见书。人民检察院以案情需要保密为由予以拒绝。2月28日,该案由人民检察院提起公诉,移送A市人民法院。该法院决定于3月17日开庭审理,并于3月15日向辩护律师发出了开庭通知。但是认为胡律师从一开始就介入这个案件,因而没有向胡律师发送起诉状副本。开庭后,公诉人和律师进行了激烈辩论。3月29日,法院判决郑某有期徒刑一年,缓期执行一年。
