问题 单项选择题









试题二(15分)阅读下列说明,回答问题1至问题3,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。[说明]企业甲就信息化网络工程项目与承建单位乙、监理单位丙分别签订了建设合同、监理合同。承建单位乙在得到甲同意的情况下,将机房工程分包给单位丁,并签订了分包合同。在项目实施过程中发生了以下几个事件:事件 1:在机房建设过程中,分包单位丁的施工人员为了赶工期,把信号线PVC管和电源线PVC管同放在一条泡沫条的槽中,造成质量隐患,专业监理工程师向总监理工程师及时汇报了情况。总监理工程师立即向承建单位乙和分包单位丁签发了整改通知。承建单位乙称机房工程已根据合同由分包单位丁实施,现在机房工程出现问题,应由分包单位丁承担一切责任。事件2:在布线过程中,承建单位乙的施工人员违反规范要求,贪图一时方便,线缆不够长,接一段了事,旁站监理工程师及时发现并报告给总监理工程师。如果继续施工,线缆将被隐蔽。所以总监理工程师立即向承建单位乙签发了“停工令”。事件3:在网络工程的实施过程中,由于某些设备的到货延迟使整个工期受到影响,承建单位乙向监理提交了进度变更申请。

[问题 3](4分)事件3中,作为监理工程师,请根据你对项目变更控制的工作任务的理解, 把下列项目变更控制工作的序号填入图2-1框图中,形成正确的项目变更控制流程图。

a.提出监理意见 b.三方协商确定变更方法 c.承建单位提交变更申请 d.变更分析 e.监理监督变更过程 f.监理初审 g.开始实施变更


Making greener choices and encouraging healthy lifestyles can promote your health and benefit the environment.Here are some guidelines to follow:

Choose foods thoughtfully

Americans have never had such a variety or abundance of food to choose from.Besides so many choices, we now hear about our "food print", the amount of land needed to supply one person's nutritional needs for a year.Do we buy cherry tomatoes from Mexico or tomatoes grown locally in a hothouse? Do.we get the Granny Smiths from the fanners' market or the supermarket? Is organic produce healthier for us and the planet?

These are very complex issues that require analysis of many criteria, including the energy used in producing and transporting the food, as well as the type of soil and methods of raising the food.

Despite the complexities, there are some general guidelines you can follow.For instance, eat less meat or eat low on the food chain.Your doctor may have recommended you to restrict your consume red meat because of its too much fat content.Beyond that, there are environmental reasons, too. Raise food animals contributes substantially to climate change because a meat-based diet requires more land, energy and water than a plant - based one.

Drinking plenty of fluids is significant during hot weather or when exercising.But is bottled water the way to go? You may not think so when seeing the true costs.Based on a survey, manufacturing the 30 - plus billion plastic water bottles can produce more than 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide and use here times the amount of water in the bottle.Adding in transportation, the energy used comes to over 50 million barrels of oil equivalent (等价物).Consequently, skip the bottled water and drink tap water, both at home and at restaurants.Additionally, bottled water is not necessarily cleaner than tap.

小题1:In Paragraph 2 the author puts forward three questions mainly _____.

A.to prove Americans have less food to choose from

B.to show us the shopping habits of most Americans

C.to indicate Americans tend to buy food from abroad

D.to remind people to reconsider their food purchase小题2:The doctor recommends eating less red meat partly because _____.

A.it contains too much fat

B.it costs a lot in transportation

C.it is too low on the food chain

D.it isn't related to climate change小题3:According to the text, which of the following is true?

A.Americans all prefer to buy cherry tomatoes from Mexico.

B.The plant - based diet is responsible for the climate change.

C.Americans have a variety of food to choose from.

D.Organic produce is the only choice for Americans.小题4:Based on the last paragraph, we know that _____.

A.bottled water is cleaner than tap water

B.tap water is economical as well as eco - friendly

C.bottled water is more available than tap water

D.tap water uses one - third the cost of bottled water小题5:What is the best subtitle for the last paragraph?

A.Skip bottled water, carry tap

B.Drink bottled water

C.Produce plastic water bottles

D.Save water resources