PART FOUR WRITING SECTION A Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram/Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer. The Elysee Palace(爱丽舍宫) in France enjoys equal popularity in the world with the Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom, the Kremlin in Russia as well as the White House in the U.S.A. It is the residence of the president of the French Republic and the symbol of the supreme authority in France. The Elysee Palace, with an area of 11,000 square meters, is at the eastern end of the Champs Elysee in the city of Paris and backed by a large and quiet garden of more than twenty thousand square meters. The main building of it, quite handsome and graceful, is a 2-story classical stone architecture of European style, flanked(两侧有) by two side buildings facing each other and with an extensive rectangular courtyard in the middle. There are altogether 369 halls and rooms of different sizes. The Elysee Palace, built in 1718, has a long history of nearly 300 years to date. This house was at first a private residence of a count named d’Evreau, so it was called Hotel d’Evreau. It had later gone through many changes and its owners had been changed for many times, but all people living in it were distinguished personages and high officials. The house was renamed Bonaparte Mansion when it was owned by Louis XV and Louis XVI successively(接连着,继续地)when they acted as emperors. Napoleon I signed his act of abdication(放弃)here when he had suffered crushing defeat in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. Napoleon III moved in the Mansion in 1848 when he was elected president, and the house became a Royal Palace when he proclaimed himself as emperor. The Third French Republic issued a law in 1873, designating(指定)officially the Elysee Palace as the residence of president of the French Republic. Over a hundred years since then, almost all the presidents of the French Republic worked and lived there. Starting from 1989, the Elysee Palace is open to the public every year in September on the French Castles Day. Title: The Elysee Palace in France
假设杨华夫妇是你的新客户,目前正面临生涯与家庭上的转变,需要金融理财师协助规划。经过初步沟通面谈后,你获得了以下家庭、职业与财务信息: 一、案例成员
1.收入:杨华每月税前收入为13000元;吴红每月税前收入为8000元。 2.支出:为应付日常开支,杨华家里常备有5000元的现金。除每月需要偿还的房贷以外,杨华一家每年保险支出为25000元,每月生活开支保持在5000元左右。杨晓强每年幼儿园学费支出8000元。每年旅游支出10000元。 三、资产情况 1.实物资产:杨华夫妇于2006年12月31日购买了一套总价85万元的住房,贷款总额为50万元,贷款利率5.5%,15年还清,他们采取的是等额本金还款方式,目前该房产现值为90万元。 2.金融资产:杨华目前在银行的存款还有8万元,其中包括银行利息约900元(税后)。杨华投资比较保守,对于股票兴趣不大,目前名下有国债5万元(含去年实际收到的1000元收益),债券基金4万元(含去年实际收到1200元的收益)。 四、保险状况 杨华三年前还接受了理财规划师的建议而大量投保,目前保单现金价值为8万元(即个人账户余额),去年收到保险分红2300元。 五、理财目标 杨华夫妇考虑到子女教育是一项庞大支出,决定将手中持有的国债和债券基金全部用来为孩子作储备教育金。 六、假设条件 2007年个人所得税费用减除标准为每月1600元;2008年个人所得税费用减除标准为每月2000元。 |
接第10题,假定投资收益率为5.5%,则杨先生为储备教育金每月应投入( )元。