Marange Steelmakers Ltd is a public company which is duly registered and is operating in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. It is a construction company whose registered address is in Harare. It started as a private limited liability company, which converted into a public company in 2005. It was registered on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange in February 2006 after launching a very successful Initial Public Offer (IPO) to the investing public.Between 2006 and 2009 the company only made modest profits and did not declare a dividend. However, for the 2010 financial year the company made a massive profit after tax of $100 million and the directors decided to put aside $70 million to boost reserves and $30 million for dividends.The majority of the shareholders were extremely unhappy over this development and at the Annual General Meeting which was held in April 2010, they decided to reallocate half of the profits after tax ($50 million) towards dividends and the other half ($50 million) towards the company’s reserves.Required:In relation to company law, advise the board of directors as to whether or not the shareholders’ resolution to increase the dividend amount is legal. (10 marks)
一般资料:求助者,男性,13岁,小学六年级学生。 案例介绍:求助者在四川汶川大地震时,亲眼看见许多同学被埋在废墟里,有些同学在地震中丧生,自己也被屋顶的横梁砸中了左腿,后被送到外地医院做了截肢手术。术后恢复尚可,安装假肢后能拄着拐杖行走。术后三个月,求助者情绪非常低落,很悲伤,害怕回到学校上课,认为学校是个很危险的地方,很不安全。自卑,觉得自己缺了腿不如别人,认为将来没有什么出息了。每天闷闷地坐着,不愿看书,也不愿意看电视,也不与他人交往,不愿意和别人说话,睡眠、饮食差。在父母的要求下前来咨询。 心理咨询师观察了解到的情况:求助者原本活泼,聪明好学,地震时受到惊吓,明显与以前不同。