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The USA, New York —Whales and dolphins are facing increasing threats from climate change, according to a new report published by WWF and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society(WDCS).

The report “Whales in hot water?” draws attention to the growing impacts of climate change on whales. They range from changes in sea temperature and the freshening of the seawater because of the melting of ice and increased rainfalls, to a sea level rise, loss of icy polar habitats and the decline of krill populations in key areas. Krill, a tiny shrimp that is dependent on sea ice, is the main source of food for many of the great whales.

The speeding up of climate change adds greatly to trouble from other human activities, such as chemical and noise pollution, which kills some 1000 whales every day.

“Whales and dolphins have an ability to adapt to their changing environment,” said Mark Simmonds, International Director of Science at WDCS. “But the climate is now changing at such a fast pace that it is unclear to what extent whales and dolphins will be able to adjust.”

Climate change impacts are currently greatest in the Arctic and the Antarctic. According to the report, cetaceans that rely on polar, icy waters for their home and food resources are likely to be greatly affected by the reduction of sea ice cover.

WDCS and WWF are urging governments to cut global production of CO2 by at least 50 percent by the middle of this century. The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change showed it was possible to stop global warming if the world’s emissions start to decline before 2015.

1. From the passage, we can learn that whales mainly feed on ______.

A. dolphins       B.krill         C. sea horses       D. sharks

2. Which of the following has the same meaning as the underlined word “decline” (in Para 2)?

A. produce         B. develop       C. fall         D. increase

3. In what place is climate change greatest?

A. Two polar areas.                       B. Asia.

C. The pacific ocean.                    D. Equator.

4. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A. Climate change will lead to the changes in sea temperature.

B. Climate change will result in the freshening of the sea water.

C. Climate change will have a bad effect on human activities and whales.

D. Human beings will forever have no ability to stop global warming

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尸检主要所见:老年男性,双下肢凹陷性水肿,腹腔积液1800ml、淡黄色、透明、比重1.011。双肺体积增大,充气膨胀,表面见肋骨压痕,表面及切面均可见散在灶状实变病灶,呈灰黄色与灰红色,以下叶病变较重。镜检:双肺肺泡扩张,肺泡壁变窄、部分断裂。灶状实变病灶中见细支气管腔和肺泡腔内有浆液、中性粒细胞渗出,部分支气管黏膜上皮细胞坏死脱落,黏膜内杯状细胞增多,局部鳞状上皮化生,部分支气管腔内见黏液栓,管壁黏液腺增生、肥大,软骨灶性钙化,纤维组织增生、淋巴细胞及中性粒细胞浸润。肺小动脉壁增厚。心脏重480g,右心室壁厚0.55cm,右心腔明显扩张, * * 肌及肉柱显著增粗,肺动脉圆锥膨隆,左心及各瓣膜未见明显异常。肝脏体积增大,质硬,淤血,呈淤血性肝硬化。脾脏体积增大,淤血。
