问题 综合题


材料一 康有为利用经学、创立孔教是维新变法策略上十分有效的一环,取道孔教是方便法门。“必须从传统的封建学说中去寻找武器”,“用传统来反传统”;“只有利用孔子的威信,只能打着孔子的旗号,才能发出改革时政的呼声”。


材料二 维新运动不像洋务运动那样维护封建主义,而是要走独立发展的资本主义道路。显然维新运动不是洋务运动的翻版,而是新兴资产阶级的改革运动。如果说洋务运动在客观上成为中国资本主义近代化的开端,维新运动则是自觉地全面推进中国资本主义近代化的新阶段。维新运动强虽然和洋务运动—祥,都以失败而告终,但维新运动却是民族资产阶级变革社会制度的初步尝试,起了前所未有的思想启蒙作用,比之洋务运动,则大大地前进了一步。











     In many countries, unusual names for children are becoming more popular, especially when more and

more stars give their children special names. In Britain, you can call a child almost anything you like except

dirty words.   

     Some parents choose names which come from popular culture. Because of the film the Lord of the Rings

(指环王), six boys were named Gandalf. Names about sport are very common, too. Since 1984, 36 children

have been called Arsenal after the football team.

     Other parents like to make up names, or combine (合并) two names to make a special one. A mother in

Britain invented the name Tiaamii for her daughter. She combined the names Thea and Amy (the two


     In China, there are some rules about names ―- you can't use foreign letters or symbols (符号) in a Chinese

name. For example, parents are not allowed to name their baby @. In New Zealand, a name beginning with a

number is not allowed. Other countries have stricter rules about calling children. For example, Japan,

Denmark, Spain, Germany and Argentina have a list of names. Parents must choose the names in the lists for

their children.

     In Britain, some old-fashioned (过时的) names have become popular again, such as Maisie or Ella for a girl,

and Alfie or Noah for a boy. But the most popular names are not the strange ones. The top names are very

traditional--Jack and Thomas for boys, or Grace and Jessica for girls.

1. In Britain, people can't use ______ words in their children's names.

A. strange

B. popular

C. old-fashioned

D. dirty

2. Thirty-six children were called Arsenal because of a ______.

A. movie star

B. football star

C. football team

D. film

3. According to the passage, which of the following names is NOT allowed?

A. Gandulf in Britain

B. Tiaarnii in Britain

C.李@in China

D. Real in New Zealand

4. In ______, people must name their children according to the list.

A. Japan

B. Britain

C. America

D. China

5. From the last paragraph (段落), we know ______ today.

A. you can name a girl Alfie in Britain

B. strange names are the most popular in Britain

C. people don't use old names in Britain

D. the most popular names are the traditional names in Britain
