问题 填空题


(1)Cu(NO3)2的水溶液呈     (填“酸”、“中”、“碱”)性,常温时的pH      7(填“>”、“=”、“<”),原因是(用离子方程式表示):                             ;实验室在配制AgNO3的溶液时,常将AgNO3固体先溶于较浓的硝酸中,然后再用蒸馏水稀释到所需的浓度,以  (填“促进”、“抑制”)其水解。

(2)氯化铝水溶液呈   性,原因是(用离子方程式表示):______                ,把AlCl3溶液蒸干,灼烧,最后得到的主要固体产物是        。

(3)在配制硫化钠溶液时,为了防止发生水解,可以加入少量的               。


(10分)(1) 酸,<,Cu2++ H2O  Cu(OH)2+ 2H,抑制

(2)酸,Al3+3H2O  Al(OH)3+3H, Al2O3  (3)NaOH

题目分析:(1)Cu(NO3)2是强酸弱碱盐,铜离子水解,水溶液呈酸性,pH小于7。水解方程式是Cu2++ H2O  Cu(OH)2+ 2H;硝酸银溶于水,银离子水解,溶液显酸性。所以将AgNO3固体先溶于较浓的硝酸中的目的是抑制银离子的水解。

(2)氯化铝溶于水,铝离子水解,溶液显酸性,水解方程式是Al3+3H2O  Al(OH)3+3H。水解吸热,加热促进水解,且生成的氯化氢挥发,进一步促进水解,所以最终得到的是氢氧化铝,灼烧得到氧化铝。



点评:盐电离出来的离子结合水电离出来的 H+或 OH-生成弱电解质的过程。盐类水解的应用主要有:①判断盐溶液的酸碱性和比较盐溶液酸碱性的强弱时,通常需考虑盐的水解。②比较盐溶液中各离子浓度的相对大小时,当盐中含有易水解的离子,需考虑盐的水解。③判断溶液中离子能否大量共存。当有弱碱阳离子和弱酸阴离子之间能发生强烈双水解,则不能在溶液中大量共存。④配制易水解的盐溶液时,需考虑抑制盐的水解。⑤选择制备盐的途径时,需考虑盐的水解。⑥离子除杂、化肥的使用需考虑盐类的水解。⑦溶液中离子浓度大小比较时需要考虑盐类水解。

There were two interesting pieces of news items in the paper a few years ago. One was about a man who received a bill from the telephone company for $ 2,000 a month for doing nothing.
  The connection between the two news items is simple; computers-the best invention of the 20th century. The telephone bill came from a computer which made a terrifying mistake; that man’s bill was only $ 23.26. The other item was not as amusing. A man walked into the unguarded computer room of a large packaged food company and expertly programmed the computer to pay him $ 2,000 a month for raw meat which he “supplied ” to the company. Of course he never sent the meat, but he certainly received the money . The computer wrote out a bill, and even “signed ” it. It was only a random (随便) check that uncovered the trick. It could be happening in thousands of other companies all over the world.
  Computers are not the magical workers that some people say they are. They make mistakes, they’re sometimes slower than human beings and they’re easily fooled.
  The US used to conscript (征兵) people with the help of a computer. The army sent out a card, which had to be filled in and sent back. It was easy to avoid being called up simply by spreading candle-wax(腊) on the card. The computer couldn’t read the card, and did nothing with it.
  It’s in our everyday life that computers cause many problems. Let’s get back to using people instead of computers, before a mistake that we can’t put right.
小题1:In the first paragraph we can conclude ______.
A.the paper is telling a lieB.the first sentence is the topic sentence
C.the two news items made people surprised
D.if a man did nothing at all for the telephone company, he would still get $2,000 a month
小题2:The main idea of the second paragraph is _______.
A.the computers are magical workers
B.the computers can do anything as well as man
C.the computers can write out the bill and even sign it
D.the computers sometimes also make mistakes
小题3:Computers ______.
A.were used to conscript peopleB.are usually faster than human beings
C.are not so magical as people expect
D.were not easily controlled and always fooled human beings
小题4:The writer thinks _______.
A.we’d better use people instead of computers in our everyday life
B.we should not use computers because they always make mistakes
C.computers are widely used in our everyday life
D.if we want to work well, don’t use the computers
单项选择题 A1型题