问题 单项选择题

甲、乙、丙、丁四个小孩在院子里踢球,突然球飞向玻璃窗,玻璃碎了。房屋主人出来问四个小孩是谁踢碎的。甲说:“是丁干的。”乙说:“不是我干的。”丙说:“是甲干的。”丁说:“甲是在诬陷。”已知他们当中只有一个人说假话。那么踢碎玻璃的是( )。




解析: 考查直言命题的对当关系。甲和丁说的话矛盾,必有一真一假。由“只有一个人说假话”,则乙、丙说的必为真,所以,是甲踢碎的。故答案选A。



     Ten students have stopped complaining about gas prices.Instead,they're competing in a

nationwide contest to redesign the cars.Final competitors were chosen from a field of 60


     "The schools were selected to find technology that will help our country reach the needs

for energy sources,so we don't have to depend on other countries to provide fuel," Pickering

said.He is vice chairman of the US House of Reprentatives Energy and Commerce Committee.

The teams received $10 000 and a Chevrolet Equinox which would be used as a starting place

for modifications.Each team can also get $25 000 in parts and software from GM and other

sponsors.The cars will be taken to the GM proving grounds for a national competition.It's the

finale (结束曲)of a three-year competition.

     In the first year,students designed and worked out their plans."At the end of the first year,our

plans for the hybrid (混合动力系统)were approved and we received our own Chevrolet Equinox

to begin construction," said Amanda McAlpin,leader of the outreach team.

     In the second year,the students' goal is for their hybrid to exceed the factory Equinox's fuel

efficiency by 50 percent."Our goal is to place in the top five but increase in the areas we lacked in,"

McAlpin said."If we can maintain this strategy,we should be able to obtain our goal."In the final

competition this year,GM technicians would examine the cars to approve the safety and make sure

they meet all contest rules."We would like to be in the top half of each event,but they are all different.

Every team has their own strategy to win," said a computer engineering major.

     "By hosting the competition,GM really gets the cream of the crop (优秀毕业生)from the top

engineering schools across the country," McAlpin said."Many of our recent graduates who have

worked on the car have received jobs with GM." And Pickering agreed,"Their brainpower will give

us firepower and horsepower for the future."

1.How long does the contest last?

A.One year.

B.Two years.

C.Three years.

D.Four years

2.What does the underlined word "modifications" in the second paragraph mean?





3.What's the real purpose for GM to sponsor this contest?

A.To reduce the consumption of fuels.

B.To sell its Chevrolet Equinox.

C.To make advertisements.

D.To find excellent graduates and employ them.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

A.Students Building Better Hybrid

B.A Competition for Redesigning Cars

C.An Energy-saving Competition

D.GM and the Redesigned Cars