问题 多项选择题

坚持和发展毛 * * 思想,就必须()

A.完整准确地把握毛 * * 思想的科学体系

B.要紧密结合革命和建设实践去理解和运用毛 * * 思想

C.要把学习和研究的重点放在毛 * * 思想所具有的中国特色上,放在对马克思主义的发展贡献上



参考答案:A, B, C, D






  ②(A)天空飘着雪花,男人的头顶和肩膀上落着薄薄一层雪。正是放学的时候,走读的学生赶着回家,住校的学生赶着回宿舍,所有人都在雪中匆匆而过。男人把一 个烤得最成功的红薯托在手里,嘴张着,却并不吆喝。

  ③有人停下来,看他的红薯。他立刻打起精神,从旁边操起小秤。他挑了两个最大的红薯放进秤盘,拉起提绳。“啪” 的一声,两个红薯紧跟着掉在雪地上。男人急忙再从烤炉里取出两个红薯,那个学生却早已经走远了。

  ④整个下午他都没有卖掉一个烤红薯,这让他很伤心。现在,除了他,谁还把烤红薯当成好东西?儿子考上重点高中的那一天, 闹着要去吃洋快餐。儿子点了一份薯条,端上来的东西又黄又瘦,蜷缩扭曲着,他不知为何物。尝一个,才知不过是炸过的土豆条罢了。他说:“这能比得上烤红薯?”儿子边笑边喝着可乐。可乐他也尝了尝,不好喝,麻舌头。他想,烤红薯多好啊,剥了皮,又香又甜,含在嘴里,不用嚼,直接化成蜜淌下去,如果再配一大碗玉米糁子和一碟腌萝卜条,那滋味,真是给个皇帝也不换啊!

  ⑤他重新把小秤放到身边,扭过头,眼睛盯住校门。这时,有几个学生说笑打闹着,走了出来。男人眼睛一亮,清清嗓子,喊了起来:“卖烤红薯啰!”嗓音很小,又哑又沙,像被砂纸打磨过。声音吸引了这几个学生的 目光,然而他们只是投来极 为漠然的一瞥,又转过脸继续说笑。


  ⑦男人憨笑着挑出四个红薯,边挑边问长脖子少年:“你们宿舍几个人?”长脖子少年说:“四个。”男人接着问:“那个和你一起走的留平头的也是?”长脖子少年说:“不错。”男人说:“那就给你们多带几个吧!”于是又挑了四 个。他把八个烤红薯分装进两个袋子,递给长脖子少年。

  ⑧天渐渐黑下来。(B)男人看了看天空,雪越下越大,地上铺了厚厚的一层。男人仍然没有卖掉一个烤红薯。他推起三轮车 ,慢慢往回走。他在一个街角 停下来,就着昏黄的路灯,从炉里掏出一个焦糊的烤红薯。他仔细地剥掉皮,慢慢地吃起来。他不声不响地吃掉一个,又掏出第二个。他一口气吃掉八个烤红薯,那是烤炉里剩下的全部烤红薯。吃到最后,他不再剥皮,将烤红薯从烤炉里取出来,直接塞进嘴巴。男人想,自己的嘴唇肯定被烫出了水泡,因为现在,那里钻心地痛……

  ⑨长脖子少年回到宿舍,将两袋烤红薯随手放在床头柜上。谁对烤红薯都没有兴趣,即使是白送,他们也不想吃上一口。终于,快熄灯的时候,留平头的少年打开了一个袋子,取出一个烤红薯,托在手里,细细端详。长脖子少年提醒他说:“都烤糊了。”平头少年低头不理他,闭起眼睛嗅那个烤红薯。电灯恰 在这时熄灭,平头少年在黑暗来临的瞬间,将那个已经冰凉的烤红薯凑近嘴巴,狠狠地咬了一口。他没有剥皮,感觉到了红薯的微涩与甘甜。





   手忙脚乱(        )红薯→打起精神称红薯→ 高声吆喝(        )红薯→不声不响吃红薯 2.文中的男人对儿子(平头少年)的父爱 表现在哪些方面?请举例说明。


3.下列对文章的理解不恰当的一项是(           )。    














     British police have begun a year-long programme of Olympic security tests, conducting sweeping

searches of London 2012 venues and practising defensive counter-terrorism tactics(反恐策略).

     The exercises described are part of a broad range of tests to check how the police, government

departments and emergency services would respond to any problems with the Games.

     British police have been conducting security sweeps inside the Olympic Stadium in London as part

of an anti-terror exercise ahead of next year's games. Officers have been searching sections of the

stadium by hand, while sniffer dogs have been employed to search seats for traces of explosives.

      The Metropolitan Police's national security coordinator for the London Olympics, Assistant

Commissioner Chris Allison, refused to remark on Tuesday over whether the death of Osama bin

Laden had produced intelligence to suggest that the Games were being targeted by Al-Qaeda(基地

组织) terrorists.

     Chris Allison said, "Clearly I'm not going to go into any details of any intelligence, but put it this way,

we have planned all of our Olympic plans on the basis of a severe threat from terrorism. We've looked

at the various attack methods used by terrorists across the world, and put in place the necessary control

measures here to make sure the terrorists couldn't be successful."

     Specialist officers from the police "rope access" team have been searching the floodlights at the

Olympic Stadium to check for suspicious objects.

    The British government's austerity drive has resulted in tough budget(预算)cuts for the police service

in London.

     But the government has insisted that the budget for Olympic security won't be affected by the


     Security has been a serious concern for the Olympics since the killing of 11 Israeli athletes and

coaches at the 1972 Munich Games.

     The London Games are seen as a high security threat particularly, as the Olympics offer an

international platform for any terror group because there will be live events broadcast worldwide.

     The 2012 London Summer Olympics begin July 27 and run through August 12.

1. We can infer from the passage that ______.

A. London will spend as little money as they can on the Games

B. London is facing much trouble in hosting the Olympic Game

C. there is some possibility that terrorists will do some damage

D. 11 Israeli athletes and coaches were killed at the 1972 Munich Games

 2. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. British police search sections of the stadium by hand.

B. There are several explosives made by terrorists in the stadium.

C. British police put great effort into the Olympic security check.

D. Some dogs are employed in the security sweeps.

3. The underlined word "austerity" in the seventh paragraph probably means ______.

A. a situation when people don't have enough money to spend

B. a state when people feel upset because of some accidents

C. a debate (辩论) between those who have different views about something

D. an attitude that has much effect on people's shopping ideas

4. What is the best title of the passage?

A. The London Olympic Games

B. Terrorist Events before the Olympics

C. Modern Equipment Used in Security Check

D. The London Olympic Security Check