A term neonate's mother is O-negative, and cord studies indicate that the neonate is A-positive. Which of the following would be least likely if the neonate developed neonate hemolytic disease
A.Lethargy or irritability.
B.Poor feeding patterns including vomiting.
C.Weight loss greater than 10%.
D.Signs of kernicterus.
解析:Although weight loss may be greater than 10%, the most important assessments must include those addressing the problem of a rising bilirubin. Neonates who develop severe jaundice as a result of Rh and ABO incompatibility will exhibit lethargy or irritability and poor feeding patterns. If bilirubin levels are high enough to cross the blood brain barrier (usually 20 mg and higher), the neonate is at serious risk for neurologic impairment due to permanent cell damage (kernieterus).