问题 单项选择题

In a group therapy setting, one member is very demanding, repeatedly interrupting others, and taking most of the group time. The nurse's best response would be,

A."Will you briefly summarize your point because others need time also"

B."Your behavior is obnoxious and drains the group. "

C.To ignore the behavior and allow him to vent.

D."I'm so frustrated with your behavior. "



解析:Option A redirects the client to focus his comments and allows him to make his point. Option B is judgmental, and option C doesn't help facilitate communication. Option D focuses more on the nurse than on the client's need.

(1 )下列地区,年太阳辐射总量最贫乏的是________

A .珠江三角洲

B .华北平原

C .长江三角洲

D .四川盆地

(2 )兰州的年太阳辐射总量为________J/cm2 。兰州的纬度比广州高,但年太阳辐射总量比广州丰富的主要原因是__________________________ 、______________________ 。

(3 )仅考虑年太阳总辐射量的分布情况,假如你作为太阳能热水器的营销员,应到下列哪组城市营销最合适?________

A .郑州、海口、贵阳

B .上海、重庆、台北

C .昆明、兰州、北京

D .福州、广州、成都

(4 )某校(40 °N )一研究性学习小组对本地的太阳能热水器进行调查后,发现热水器的倾斜角度是一个固定值,他们提出一个改进方案,将图中的支撑杆设计成可调节的活动杆。你认为改进的理由是_____________________________________________ 。
