An adolescent girl who is receiving chemotherapy for leukemia is admitted for pneumonia. The adolescent's platelet count is 50,000 μL. Which of the following would be inappropriate to include in the plan of care
A.A sign over the bed that reads "NO NEEDLE STICKS AND NOTHING PER RECTUM".
B.Two peripheral IV intermittent infusion devices, one for blood draws and one for infusions.
C.Administration of oxygen at a rate of 4 L/min using a nonhumidified nasal cannula.
D.Use of a tympanic membrane sensor to measure the client's temperature at the bedside.
解析:Oxygen should be humidified to assure that irritation of the mucosa doesn't occur. This teen's platelet level is decreased, so she's at risk for bleeding. The nose is a vascular region that can bleed easily if the mucosa is dried by the oxygen. A sign to remind others to avoid needle sticks and to not give anything via the rectum, the presence of two peripheral IVs, and the use of a tympanic temperature device are all aspects of care that would decrease the client's risk of bleeding.