问题 单项选择题

我国《刑事诉讼法》第3条第1款规定:“对刑事案件的侦查、拘留、执行逮捕、预审,由公安机关负责。检察、批准逮捕、检察机关直接受理的案件的侦查、提起公诉,由人民检察院负责。审判由人民法院负责。除法律特别规定的以外,其他任何机关、团体和个人都无权行使这些权力。”对于其中的法律特别规定,下列说法不正确的是( )







解析:[考点] 侦查权、检察权、审判权由专门机关行使的原则 《刑事诉讼法》第3条第1款中的“法律特别规定”主要是指《刑事诉讼法》第4条和第225条。其中,第4条规定:“国家安全机关依照法律规定,办理危害国家安全的刑事案件,行使与公安机关相同的职权。”第225条:“军队保卫部门对军队内部发生的刑事案件行使侦查权。对罪犯在监狱内犯罪的案件由监狱进行侦查。军队保卫部门、监狱办理刑事案件,适用本法的有关规定。”一般认为对罪犯在监狱内的犯罪,监狱不享有完整的侦查权,所以本题不正确的选项为D。


One day a rabbit ran into an elephant. "Hello," said the rabbit. "Fine day, isn’t it?" The elephant stopped to look down at the tiny(小的) creature and shouted. "Leave me alone. I don’t have the time to waste on someone so small." The rabbit was shocked by the elephant’s words. Then he decided to ask the whale(鲸鱼) what she thought about the elephant’s rudeness. But the whale laughed at this tiny animal. The rabbit said, "You think that I am weak, but in fact, I am strong! I can beat you at Tug-of-War (拔河比赛)."The whale looked at him for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Very well, little one. Go and get a rope," she said.The rabbit ran off to find a strong and thick rope. Then he went to the elephant, "Elephant, I will beat you at a game of Tug-of-War." The elephant laughed loudly, but agreed to challenge the tiny animal. He tied the rope around his huge waist. The rabbit took the other end and ran away. He called back to the elephant, "When I say 'pull’, you start pulling. "The rabbit took the other end of the rope to the whale, "Tie this to your tail and when I say 'pull’,you swim." The whale tied the rope to her tail after laughing at the rabbit’s foolishness. Then the rabbit called out "PULL!" The elephant and the whale began pulling. After a while, they were too tired to continue. The elephant and the whale never knew how such a tiny creature could beat them. But from that day on, they said "hello" to the little rabbit with great respect whenever they met.

小题1:Why did the rabbit want a game of Tug-of-War?


A.He wanted to show he was the best.

B.He knew that he could do well in this game.


C.He wanted to get respect from the elephant and the whale.

D.He wanted to prove he wasn’t the tiniest animal.小题2:What do you think of the rabbit according to the story?


A.Smart and brave.

B.Tiny and stupid.

C.Pride and naughty.

D.Poor and weak.小题3:Why did the elephant and the whale lose the game?

A.They didn’t prepare for it.

B.They were not as strong as the rabbit.

C.They were too impolite to the little rabbit.

D.They actually fought with each other but not the rabbit.小题4:Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The elephant was pleased to talk to the rabbit at first.

B.It was the whale who suggested having a game of Tug-of-War.

C.The rabbit was stronger than both the whale and the elephant.

D.The whale and the elephant began to respect the rabbit from then on.
