问题 单项选择题

女,11岁,双下肢出现散在淤斑,伴有陈旧性出血点。查:Hbl36g/L,WBC8.0× 109/L,PLT50×109/L,骨髓检查巨核细胞150个/片,有成熟障碍,首选的治疗是









    One day, a farmer took a bag of wheat to town. He didn't know what to do when the bag fell off his

horse. The bag was too heavy for him to lift. He hoped that someone would come and help him.

     Before long a man came over. But the farmer's heart sank when he saw the man, because he was the

famous judge in town. The farmer was afraid to ask him for help.

     As soon as he came up to the farmer, the judge got off his horse and said, "You need my help, don't

you? Let me help you." Then he took one end of the bag, The farmer took the other. They lifted the bag

of wheat onto the horse.

     "Sir," asked the farmer, "how can I pay you?" 

      "Well," the judge replied, "if you see anyone in need of help, do the same for him."

1. The farmer did not know what to do because            . [ ]

A. his horse fell down

B. his bag was very heavy

C. he could not lift the bag himself

D. his horse ran away

2. The farmer dared not ask             for help. [ ]

A. someone

B. the famous judge

C. one of his friends

D. the other farmer

3. When he saw what had happened, the judge            . [ ]

A. asked the farmer to get on the horse

B. helped the farmer lift the bag onto the horse

C. refused to help the farmer

D. got off his horse

4. "If you see anyone in need of help, do the same for him." means "If anyone           ." [ ]

A. helps you, do the same for him

B. needs help, help him

C. is in need of help, tell him the same

D. helps you, help him

5. The best title of this story is            . [ ]

A. Bag of Wheat

B. Heavy Bag

C. Do the Same for Him

D. The Farmer
