问题 单项选择题

某人民法院在审理一起行政案件时,发现长沙市人民政府制定的规章的规定与湖南省人民政府制定的规章的规定不一致,该人民法院应当如何处理( )







解析:[考点] 行政诉讼中地方政府规章的冲突适用 为了解决法律适用冲突,与法律适用冲突的种类相适应,行政诉讼法律的冲突适用规则有以下几类:特别冲突适用规则,即当普通法与特别法的规定不一致时适用的规则。一般当普通法与特别法相冲突时优先适用特别法。层级冲突适用规则,即各种不同效力等级的规范相冲突的适用规则。不同效力等级的行政法律规范发生冲突实际上是一种违法性冲突,应该选择适用效力等级高的行政法律规范。同级冲突适用规则,指效力层级相同的规范相冲突的适用规则。目前国家尚未制定这类冲突规范,人民法院认为地方人民政府制定、发布的规章与国务院部委制定、发布的规章之间不一致的,由最高人民法院送请国务院作出解释或者裁决。新旧法冲突适用规则,指因新的行政法律规范与旧的行政法律规范的规定不一致的冲突适用规则。新旧法冲突适用规则应体现新法优于旧法和法律不溯及既往的原则。人际冲突适用规则,是调整因不同民族、种族或人的特殊身份的法律适用冲突的规则。人际冲突适用规则一般明确规定,不同民族、种族或特殊身份的人,适用就该民族、种族或特殊身份的人作出特别规定的法律文件或规范。依据《行政诉讼法》的规定,人民法院审理民族自治地方的行政案件,以该民族自治地方的自治条例和单行条例为依据,即是这一冲突适用规则的体现。区际冲突适用规则,是规定我国不同行政区域的行政法律规范发生适用冲突的适用规则。在我国,对大陆法律规范与港、澳、台地区法律规范的冲突,适用“属地管辖”原则,即发生在港、澳、台地区的行政案件,适用于港、澳、台地区施行的法律规范;发生在大陆的行政案件,则适用于当地施行的法律规范。 本题中,根据《立法法》第80条的规定:“……省、自治区的人民政府制定的规章的效力高于本行政区域内的较大的市的人民政府制定的规章”,因而法院应当适用湖南省人民政府制定的规定,故C项符合法律规定,是正确的;A、B、D项均不符合法律规定,是错误的。


The United States is usually given credit for creating and developing the musical comedy as it is known today. The first musical shows were based (1) everyday American life and the (2) development of the form took place in the United States for more than half a century. (3) the early 1970s, (4) , the London theater has (5) the Broadway stage.

The Black Crook, which opened at Niblo’s Garden in New York City on Sept. 12, 1866, is usually (6) as the inspiration for musical comedy. A troupe of French ballet dancers (7) to be stranded in New York without work (8) a fire damaged the theater (9) they had been booked. In order to keep a (10) to them, the theater producer put the dancers into a melodrama written by Charles M. Barres.

The first stage production that was (11) a musical comedy was a show that was (12) from the Prince of Wales Theater to the Gaiety Theater in London in 1892. Staged by George Edwards, the show called In Town featured a chorus line of Gaiety Girls. The (13) year A Gaiety Girl was equally successful, and a (14) of the show played in New York in the same year. When it was (15) in newspapers, it was designated a musical comedy and regarded as a new (16) of entertainment.

It did not take the form long to (17) in the United States. Almost (18) one of the most renowned talents of the American stage went to work on his own musicals. The singer-dancer George M. Cohan staged Little Johnny Jones in 1904. Cohan, (19) own life story was made into the musical George M (1968), also wrote the books, words, and (20) for Forty-five Minutes from Broadway ( 1906 ), The Little Millionaire ( 1911 ), The Song and Dance Man ( 1923 ), and American Born (1925).




