根据内容提示和要求,以“My Dream Job”为题写一篇短文。
内容提示:1. 想成为一名记者;
2. 多读书,勤写作,向报刊、杂志投稿……;
3. 高中毕业后去北京上大学;
4. 想到电视台工作,游祖国大好河山,观世界风云变幻;
5. 通过努力,梦想成真。
One possible version:
I like talking to people and asking them questions, so I want to be a journalist(reporter) when I grow up. The job is interesting but kind of dangerous. Now I’m going to do some more reading and writing and write articles for newspapers and magazines. I’m going to a university in Beijing after senior(high)school. Next I’m going to work for a TV station as a journalist(reporter). Then I’m going to travel throughout China and all over the world. I think my dream will come true someday if I work hard.
题目分析:这题是要点作文,就是要求考生根据要点内容进行翻译,不能遗漏,根据要点内容可知要用简单句,包括主系表结构,主谓宾结构,还有there be句型,写作时要灵活运用,注意主谓一致,单词拼写正确。
点评:要点作文因为要点已经很明确,只要将要点翻译清楚就可以,要注意使用英语的句型翻译,可以避免出现汉语表达。如there be句型,或主系表结构使用频率都很高。