问题 判断题

企业为职工缴纳的基本养老保险金、补充养老保险费,以及为职工购买的商业养老保险,均属于企业提供的职工薪酬。 ( )



解析: 企业为职工缴纳的基本养老保险金、补充养老保险费,以及为职工购买的商业养老保险,均属于企业提供的职工薪酬。这符合《职工薪酬》准则的相关规定。




②我们在生活中也会看到一些美的样态,他们似乎和生命的前行与高扬没有关系,甚至好像是在否定生命,这又是怎么回事呢?比如说在对中国古代的园林和盆景的欣赏中,面对梅的枝干,就表现出这样的审美观:以枝干横斜算作美,认为端正了就没有了景致;以枝干曲折算作美,认为直了就没有了风姿;以枝干      算作美 ,认为稠密了就没有了美态。龚自珍在他的《病梅馆记》中就严厉地批评了那种通过“斫其正,养其旁条,删其密,夭其稚枝,锄其直,遏其生气”来塑造病态美的方法。他正是站在美是生命的自由创造这一立场上,抨击当时以病态为美的风尚,把那些被“锄其直,遏其生气”的病梅比喻为当时朝野之间“尽奄然而无有生气”的士大夫。其实,龚自珍更多的是用“病梅”批判社会的病态。如果单从审美的角度来看,“病梅”自有其独特的魅力,这种魅力仍然可以从生命和创造的角度来理解,只不过它们之间的关系更加曲折隐晦而已。比如说,“病梅”历经“爱梅者”的砍剪、捆绑、挤压、扭曲,饱受折磨,却依然顽强地活下去,依然在那里不懈地展示自己的美,这难道不也是一种生命力顽强的象征吗?车尔尼雪夫斯基在《艺术与现实的审美关系》中,曾引用过俄国诗人茹科夫斯基的这么几句诗:“可爱的是鲜艳的容颜,青春时期的标志;但是苍白的面色、忧郁的 症状,却更为可爱。”《红楼梦》中的林黛玉,患有肺结核,咳嗽吐血,瘦弱得似乎风一吹就能倒下,还常常发愁流泪,可是大多数人却觉得她比那个健康活泼的薛宝钗更美。这里的关系就更加复杂了,因为生命的存在是多样的,有体现为刚强进取的,也有体现为柔弱和退行的。这正是中国古代文化中的“阴”和“阳”的对立统一。林黛玉的躯体的极度柔弱,更突出了她对特立独行的精神追求的力度,也是在更深层次上对个体生命价值的褒扬。


小题1:本文论述的观点是                                   (用文中原句回答)


小题3:第③段,加点的“这种情况”指的是什么? (限35字以内)



American Museum of Natural History is one of the largest natural and historic museums in the world and one of the main natural history research and education centres in the United States, set up in 1869 and located in the west of the Central Park, Manhattan District, New York. It (1) 7 hectares in its total area, (2) classical types of buildings. The (3) of ancient creatures and humanity is (4) the first place of all the museums in the world, (5) the representative samples from South America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia were collected, besides those from the (6) country, the United States.

In the museum, there are five kinds of exhibits, including astronomy, mineralogy, human history, and animals in the (7) times and those in modern times. There are thirty-eight exhibition halls with different (8) from 500 to 1,500 square metres. Besides these, there is a Roosevelt Memorial Hall in (9) of President Roosevelt who supported the (10) of the museum, which is also used to have a special exhibition, showing the new important (11) on natural sciences and (12) affairs and social problems, and special topics connected closely with the life of the citizens. Besides this, it is also used for avocation (13) to have all kinds of scientific activities in the laboratories, centres of natural science and centres for citizens. There are more than 10 (14) research departments mainly (15) for collection of samples, research and work of publication.

In the museum, there are (16) and sub-libraries of Aulspond ancient amniote, with about 300 thousand books and magazines (17) natural history, many of (18) are very valuable monographs for the first edition. It has published many expert books and magazines, and a large number of propaganda materials, (19) which are the two magazines, Natural History and Members of Museum that have the biggest (20) of their magazines.




